American Golden Earring fan and Millbrook USA dvd director Dan Lynch did attend the Panama dvd recordings as well.
May 12, 2004 - Today a new book about Golden Earring was presented to the press. It's called "Golden Earring, Rock die niet roest".Writer is Maarten Steenmeijer. It's a paperback with Dutch text, contains several photo's and has 176 pages. After an explanation of the author and reading some pieces Bart Chabot gave the first book to Barry Hay. Actually the book was already for sale for a couple of days! Among other well known persons attending were former band member Robert Jan Stips and photographer Kees Tabak.

Since Barry moved to a new house in Amsterdam a few years ago he attended a lot more parties and openings. In April he was amongst the invited guests for the 49th birthday celebration of wellknown dutch star Patty Brard. There was a party at the Amsterdam Zebra lounge with theme "Ex in the city" (she recently divorced) But only a few guests came but amongst them were Barry Hay and Henk Schiffmacher. Another "event" Barry joined was the introduction of a new series of "trilplaten" Items used in a gym to slender. The item was introduced by Connie van Breukhoven at the opening of the Special Sports Sportschool Amstelveen.
On Saturday April 17, 2004 Cesar Zuiderwijk attended the re-opening of the restyled drum unit at Rockpalace. He was accompanied by 84 year old drummer Jim Chapin and Di-rect drummer Jamie Westland. Check out the review on my website. Cesar is the co-owner of the Rock Palace shop!
Barry Hay has contributed a duet for the cd of female singer Frédérique Spigt. The cd will be released later this year. Other contributions are made by Herman Brood, Tim Akkermans (Di-rect)< Huub van der Lubbe (De Dijk) and Sarah Bettens (K's Choice) to name a few....
On May 01, 2004 the concert at Bunde-Geulle was cancelled after the band was informed by their stagemanager at 15 hour because he wasn't satisfied with the measures of the build stage.
On Monday May 03, 2004 Golden Earring started with the ticket sales on their official website for the CD & DVD recordings of a new album, on Tuesday June 08 and Wednesday June 09, 2004. The recordings were at the Panama Club in Amsterdam. Working title for the album is Naked three....
Om May 04, 2004 Cesar gave a drum clinic to celebrate the opening of a new megastore for drums in Ittervoort (Holland) called Adams Drumworld. This is already the biggest store for drums in Europe now! Check out this link for Drumworld.
Golden Earring did perform on Sunday May 09, 2004 at the old Luxor theatre in Rotterdam. This was a benefit concert for the Sophia childrens hospital in Rotterdam, the raised funds will be used for a special room for children with Cystic fibrosis disease. (The CF-Lounge) Persons who bought a VIP-card had access to the after party at the Thalia lounge (on the other side of the street where the old Luxor theatre is) with Golden Earring and a DJ. Golden Earring are patrons for the Dutch Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for several years already now. The final total raised was 53.885 euro!
Golden Earrings performance at the Sunsation festival at Middelstum was the tenth within twelve years and the last time they played there. The band announced to give less shows and no more playing in green fields or between cow-shit in lousy small dressing rooms.
On May 12, 2005 a new book about Golden Earring was presented to the press. It's called "Golden Earring, Rock die niet roest". Writer is Maarten Steenmeijer. It's a paperback with Dutch text, contains several photo's and is about 176 pages big. After an explanation of the author the Bart Chabot gave the first book to Barry Hay. Actually the book was already for sale for a couple of days! Among other well known persons attending were Robert Jan Stips and photographer Kees Tabak.

On May 14, 2004 at 16.00 hour Golden Earring did a surprise gig at The Hague. Guitar dealer Casa Benelly opened their new shop at the Piet Heinplein and the band was asked to give a small concert in front of the shop on a small stage. Amongst the songs played were Twilight Zone, When The Lady Smiles and Another 45 miles. Just before the concert George Kooymans did receive a custom made Taylor guitar from shopowner Ben van der Sman. The guitar has a snake print inlay made by Henk Schiffmacher. (The making of the guitar was easy as the vice-president of Taylor guitars USA is a fan of the band) Golden Earring bought several guitars at this shop. It started way back in 1992 when they bought 4 Taylor guitars for their Naked truth recording gigs. Since then the Barry and George bought some more guitars there.... Also this afternoon Barry bought a semi-acoustic guitar again.
The first Pinkpop DVD's are released now. The first two discs about the Pinkpop festival in the serie were released on May 18, 2004 by Universal Music. (In België by Universal Pictures) Golden Earring played an essential role in the history of Pinkpop. This is explained by Jan Smeets in the interview which is added as an extra on the dvd The Vintage Years part 1 (1970 - 1974). Golden Earring saved the very first Pinkpop festival (on May 18 1970), because the band provided it's PA and equipment for the festival. This was the profesional alternative instead of the installation a sound company provided. They intended to use some speakers which are normally used for cycle courses only.... Of course this wasn't sufficient! On the first dvd is the track Back Home by Golden Earring and you can see George Kooymans kicking the microphone stand after receiving an electrical shock due to failure! But the actual Golden Earring footage is only 30 seconds long...
There is also a legendary moment on the dvd which shows George kicking against a microphone stand after he just received and electric shock from the equipment! Golden Earring opens the dvd with their one and only track (+ band footage) from 1970: Back Home.
May 20, 2004 Rinus attended a jam session at a vessel called Minerva in Scheveningen Harbour. He was invited by Jaap de Jonckheere (Former Boom Boom Mancini member and friend of Rinus)
Barry Hay did contribute for the 'Hot Shots' exposition at the Amsterdam Stip Gallery. 20 famous and wellknown Dutch persons were asked to make photo's for the theme 'Sexy'. Their photo's were digitally processed to artworks in the style of Andy Warhol. The paintings could be seen untill June 26, 2004 at the Stip Gallery, Eerste Sweelinckstraat, Amsterdam.
On May 30, 2004 Golden Earring played at the AJOC Festival Mijdrecht again. Some fine picture were made by a fine photographer called Pascalle van Pel. Check out her site for more fine pictures!
Cesar Zuiderwijk did play with the Clarks and opened the festival Kaderock at Musicon The Hague was this year on June 05. This time with an all Earring set and encore Brown Sugar (Rolling Stones)
The cd's Paradise In Distress and Naked II have been re-released again on the TX2 label but this time with the enhancement 2003. On the Paradise In Distress cd a CNR label code can be found. These cd's are only of interest to collectors as they have the same tracklisting as the other releases.
During the Summer of 2004 writer Bart Chabot drove with Rinus to gigs sometimes and on board was Bart's most valuable instrument: a tape recorder.... Rinus and Bart also had chat sessions at Rinus' place to gather info for the book Bart Chabot is writing with working title "De bassist". There is no publication date set yet as it can take a long time untill it's finished.
June 2004 the second print of the "Rock die niet roest" book was released. (First print May 2004)
On June 07, 2004 there was the rehearsal for the new Golden Earring dvd\cd recording called Naked III. On June 08 and 09, 2004 they recorded this new cd in front of an audience at the Panama club Amsterdam.
Panama Naked III recording Setlist for May 08, 2004:
Turn The World Around
Just Like Vince Taylor
I've Just Lost Somebody
Need Her
The Thief
I Need Love
Kill Me (Ce Soir)
Paradise In Distress
Albino Moon
Lost & Found
Hold Me Now
Will & Mercy
Johnny Make Believe
Twilight Zone
Save Your Skin
No For An Answer
Last Frontier Hotel
Holy Holy Life
They changed Twilight Zone with Save Your Skin. The setlist first mentioned Save Your Skin and then Twilight Zone. On June 09, 2004 they performed the setlist in this (first, original) order. Most of the above tracks will be on the dvd and cd except for Johnny Make Believe and Twilight Zone. The DVD will not be released before October in my opinion. Also there will be a tv-broadcast again, negatiations about this are still going on.
Golden Earring did perform in front of 36.000 visitors this summer on the Arrow Classic Rock festival! Some pictures at Arrow site
A "new" cd release has been found. It's called Golden Earring - Original hits on the Sony Music Entertainment label, July 2004 release. Label number 515483 9 and contains 12 tracks. This cd looks like a rerelease of another sampler cd called Greatest hits on Disky label (2000) but has different tracklisting. There's a slightly different cd-inlay: photo is the same but page filling as compared to the Disky release. (Photo in frame) Some tracks are equal e.g. Going To The Run, Angel and Johnny Make Believe. Both CD's are released under Sony Music license.
Rinus did join in a jamsession at beachclub Pier 32 on August 05, 2004. A small review is on this site.

On August 13, 2004 another "Drum 3 daagse" did start at Music Station in The Hague. Cesar was one of the drum teachers who gave clinics to 72 drummers who attended the event. On the first day drummers Jamie Westland (Di-rect) and Lucas van Merwijk gave clinics. Cesar Zuiderwijk opened the second day with a clinic and gave hints how to make your drum show much more visually atractive. Other clinics were given by John Engels and Olaf Fase. On sunday morning drummer Michael Shack gave a clinic with much energy, humor and fast drumming. Closing clinic was given by Ernst van Ee (Teacher at Musicon and Master of the double bass drum) with the credo: "Let the drums do the taking'". At the closing night on August 15 Cesar and Rinus did join in a jamsession on the Musicon stage for the final of the Drumdriedaagse which was organised by Music Station. The musicians on stage were: Rinus Gerritsen (bass), Cesar Zuiderwijk (drums), Eef Alberts (guitar), Jasper van ’t Hof (keyboards) and special guest: Leo Jansen (sax). This drum driedaagse event was organised by Cesar Zuiderwijks Music Station in cooperation with Slagwerkkrant with the support of Serlui BV (Zildjian bekkens) en BMI bv (supported the event with twelve Pearl drum kits!)
On August 19, 2004 Rinus joined in another jam session, this time in Scheveningen harbor on the Minerva vessel. Together with Jaap de Jonckheere , Erik Pronk on drums, Michael Eschauzier on keyboards and Nicko Christiansen (sax, vocals and guitar). Several others joined in as guest.
After the summerbreak a new band called Vertigo became the new support act for Golden Earring for several (at least 5) electric shows. Amongst their bandmembers is Denny Haayen on guitars, son of former Golden Earring manager Freddy Haayen.

(Vertigo photo's by Jeroen Oerlemans, used with permission. Thanks!)
Starting September 2004 both Barry and George started with in-ear plug monitoring. This means they have sound monitoring through custom made ear
In September 2004 a book called "Gevoelige snaren" was released. This book tells about the musical youth experiences of thirty well-known Dutch artists and amongst those 30 is Cesar Zuiderwijk. (ISBN number 90 229 8893 7)The proceeds of each book (4,5 euro) go to the Warchild organisation. As mentioned before Cesar is an ambassador for Warchild.
The electric shows at Staphorst (September 24, 2004) and Hoogwoud (Spetmber 25, 2004) were cancelled due to illness of Rinus. Rinus' last show before his ear problems was in Wieze (Belgium) at a festival over there (on Saturday September 18, 2004) Another acoustic tour was planned appropiate called Theatre tour 2004 - 2005. From this tour several acoustic shows at the end of September (Vlaardingen) and early October had to be cancelled due to illness of Rinus (persisting ear infection) Okki Klootwijk did the first electric show on October 01, 2004 (Bergen op Zoom) as a temporary replacement for Rinus Gerritsen. He did this earlier in 1999 when Rinus had a serious traffic accident.
When Okki Klootwijk took over the bass as Rinus was ill, Daan Breukhoven (assistant to Rinus and second bass technician) did the midi synths and programming which is normally done by Rinus at the same time.
Barry was heard in a new cartoon called "My Dad Is A Rockstar". Barry did the voice of the dad called Rock Zilla. The cartoon was translated from English and it is based on an original idea by Gene Simmons (Kiss bassplayer). On October 1 the Making of My Dad Is A Rockstar was broadcasted on TV station Nickelodeon.
A new book about Golden Earring (provisional working title: 'The Story Of Golden Earring') is due to appear. It will be published by 'Pictures Publishers' a publishing company based in Wijk en Aalburg (The Netherlands). The release date was set for November 2004. It will be a deluxe edition of 245 pages, containing a wealth of photographic material and other visuals. Several famous rock photographers are contributing, for instance Patricia Steur, Kees Tabak and Anton Corbijn. The authors of the main writings are sisters Mechteld and Karin Beks. This book is Karin's personal initiative; She envisaged a book in which the focus of the main texts should be predominantly on Golden Earring's wonderful music. Mechteld and Karin have each written over a 100 A4-pages of music criticisms. So although a concise biography will be added to the book, the main texts are definitely not biographical. There will also be extensive interviews (definitely music-oriented as well) with not only the four members of Golden Earring, but also with, among others, several former members of the band. This interview section was Mechteld's initiative; practically all the interviews were conducted by her. Furthermore, several renowned Dutch artists and writers were kind enough to contribute as guests: amongst them are Marion Bloem, Bart Chabot, Joost Zwagerman, Jan Cremer, Jan Mulder, Jack Spijkerman and Hans Teeuwen.
On their site the Boekdesign company stated the release of the long awaited book "The story of Golden Earring" has been moved to January 2005. They probably wait on the release of the new Naked III cd\dvd to help to promotion of the book and support the cd\dvd release....
5 acoustic shows in a row (Vlaardingen, Veghel, Venlo, Tilburg and Hengelo had to be cancelled due to the illness of Rinus Gerritsen. (Due to a firmly ear inflammation causing dizziness and disturbances of equilibrium Rinus didn't play several shows) New tourdates for these shows were set for November 2004 and May 2005. Two more electric shows (Lichtenvoorde and Cuyk) were played with Okki Klootwijk on bass.
Barry could be heard in another radio-commercial in the Netherlands. This time he sang in Dutch and promoted the new Opel Corsa Rhythm. The commercial was aired a lot of times on national radio. Some weeks earlier a new tv commercial for Uniekaas was released which contained the music of Yellow and blue from the 1970's album Golden Earring (Also known as "Wall of dolls".) Both commercials circulate in the fancircuit as collectors digitalize more and more of their favorite band. These fans acknowledge the fact that these items should be stored for archiving reasons and represent a piece of the rich history of Golden Earring. They seem to be more aware of this fact than the band itself.
It was expected that Rinus would start playing after the autumn vacation break. The ear specialist found out the cause: a virus infection that nestled in his ear, causing this severe dizziness, but Rinus had to take a total rest untill he did fully recovery. At the same time the news was spread the Naked III release will be delayed untill January 2005 because of both commercial and productional reasons.
On October 28 Barry and Frederique Spigt contributed to the Barend en Van Dorp broadcast at tv station RTL 4. Barry sang with Frederique a duet called Mijn persoonlijke Jezus which is a translation from the Depeche mode song Personal Jesus. (Another detail about this female singer: George produced in 1988 the cd Wounded from Frederique's band at that time: I've got the bullets.)
On Saturday October 30 Yorin broadcasted the program Den Haag Life which featured Cesar Zuiderwijk & The Clarks. On Sunday October 31 Barry could be seen in a very small piece of the broadcast about the nomination of My dad is a rockstar for movies on Nickelodeon. Om Monday November 1st Barry was seen in a documentary about Frederique Spigt on Nederland 3, NPS broadcast corporation and program was titled "Het uur van de Wolf".
From Monday November 09 on (Apeldoorn concert) Rinus started to play acoustic gigs again after almost 6 weeks of being ill. This went pretty well. On Saturday November 13 at the Franeker concert Rinus did play his first electric gig since he became ill. For obvious reasons he didn't do his bass-solo yet. But he played again and that's more important. Rinus uses an ear plug to reduce the noise on stage.
But on November 15, 2004 again a show had to be cancelled! This time due to a throat infection from George. The Eindhoven acoustic gig had to be moved to Monday November 22, 2004!
George now seems to use a new Randall guitar system on stage. Fans notice a different guitar sound but think the sound is less than the Koch/Roland JC combination which sounded much better. Probably it's due to settings which have to be adjusted in the upcoming shows?
On December 01, 2004 leadsinger Barry Hay was voted 'De grootste muzikale Nederlander' ("Dutch most musical person") by the visitors of the website The contest was a reaction on the election of the "Grootste Nederlander" by television broadcast coorporation KRO. Hay did get almost 32 percent of the 17.474 votes. This has not to be taken much seriously as the internet voting was not correct. More than one vote could be placed and so did a lot of Earring fans. Anyway it was a nice promotion as the "news" was mentioned in every Dutch newspaper... Except for eternal fame he also gets the internet domain: DJ Tiësto became number 2 and Boudewijn de Groot 3rd. The Hague singer and former Hay protege Anouk was given 7 percent of all votes and became 7th.
Radar Love was voted best Dutch Nederpop classic. Dutch popmusicians voted 'Radar Love' by Golden Earring the best Nederpop Classic. This was the result of a vote by Aloha music magazine. The magazine asked the most important Dutch musicians which popsongs they preferred most. In the Top 20 which was compiled Golden Earring was the only Dutch production. Number one voted song was 'God only knows' by The Beach Boys.
An auction of 6 of Cesars signed drumheads and 4 signed drumsticks at Ricardo online auction site was ended at 212 euro's.
Barry did a duet with American singer Beth Hart which was recorded at Kopenhagen. He went after the acoustic Golden Earring show at Utrecht on December 7th to Rotterdam airport hotel and left the other day by plane for Kopenhagen......
On their site the Boekdesign company now states the release of the long awaited book "The story of Golden Earring" has been moved again to September 2005. The reason is unknown to me as well as the writers Mechteld and Karin Beks. Probably a production problem, but speculation only from my side....
Cesar Zuiderwijk and Percossa Percussion did perform 14 shows as special act at the 34th edition of the 'Christmas Circus' in Ahoy, Rotterdam, from December 23, 2004 till Jan. 02, 2005. This is the first time he was actually performing in a circus. As told in the "Alle Gekheid Met Een Stokje" theatre show Cesar would have loved to be a clown. But this time some fantastic, rhytmic acts were played by him..... (Mentioned were the acts Schots trommelen and Cooking a turkey from the "Alle Gekheid Met Een Stokje" theatre show)
On December 31, 2004 between 20.15 - 21.20 hours on Dutch TV Nederland 3 (NPS) the serie Top-2000-a-Go Go did have an 8 minutes item about Radar Love featuring all bandmembers. For the item a piece was recorded at the Franeker 2005 concert and they were talking about the creation process of this classic song with live views from the Zwolle concert 1977. Also Barry did sing along with Brenda Lee on the car radio, while driving a new 2005 type Cadillac STS. Radar Love site webmaster Patrick Orriens answered a question of the host in the studio.
In 2004 Radar Love covers were released by:
2004 Belgium: The Shakers - 25 Years Vol.3 (DVD)
2004 Germany: Jumboree - Jumboree (CD)
2004 Germany: Rosa - Live in Jena (DVD)
2004 Germany: Still Crazy - Sounds United (VA CD features promising German bands including Still Crazy)
2004 Hungary: Old Boys - 25 év (DVD)
2004 USA: Daize Shayne - Live your Dreams (US promo CD)
2005 - In 2005 Golden Earring "celebrated" their fourtieth year of excistance. However there were no real celebrations as the Earring is not the kind of band to pay much attention to this kind of "milestones". For February 25, 2005 the release of the Naked III cd and dvd was scheduled.
The band was still on tour both in the theatres (Theatre tour 2004 -2005)as well as the festivals (PinkPop, Strijen) and bigger indoor venues. About 80 shows were done this year.
In the Top 2000 a go go program Barry drove a new 2005-model Cadillac. Funny thing is that Barry will own/receive his Cadillac later on in 2005. So after the NPS producer decided that Barry should drive this new model Cadillac the NPS phoned Cadillac the Netherlands and found out that the only person who already owned this 2005 model Cadillac in the Netherlands is.... the president of Cadillac Benelux. He was very willing to borrow the car to the NPS. So during the recordings (November 13, 2004) Barry drove his car. I'm not sure which model it is, but may this year the big Cadillac STS will be introduced, followed by a STS-V sports model.
On January 08 and 09, 2005 Cesar Zuiderwijk organised workshops for both beginning and advanced drummers at his Music Station on the Prinsestraat 38b, The Hague. The costs: 50 euro including a lunch and study material.
On Sunday January 09, 2005 at 23 hour the programme "Doodnormaal", was shown on RTL4. This is a weekly broadcasted program in which is frankly spoken about the death; this weeks show with: Barry Hay, Carlo Boszhart and Tanja Jess. (Re-broadcast was on January 24, 2005 on RTL5)
On January 10, 2005 the title of the new Golden Earring single I've Just Lost Somebody became very real. The Golden Earring fan community was shocked to hear Golden Earring fan Louise Donk got killed in a car accident because some lunatic threw a large brick from an overpass through the front window of her car while she was driving on the A4 motorway. She will be sadly missed.
For June 18, 2005 another Golden Earring Beach concert was planned at Scheveningen Beach. The previous 2 concerts were a huge success and a few hundred thousand people attended the shows! I guess this would have been a nice "party" to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the band which started to record their first single in 1965! But on January 11, 2005 the date for the 3rd Beach concert was cancelled again due to the lack of sponsors. No tv-station wanted to participate in the costs for the broadcast. This was a big disappointment for many fans of course....
On January 13, 2005 the fine news that the Golden Earring bandmembers gave permission to dedicate the new single I've Just Lost Somebody to fan Louise Donk was mentioned in a press release. Fans had asked for this on their websites and the international Golden Earring internet newsgroup. (
On January 15, 2005 the sadly deceased Golden Earring fan Louise Donk was cremated at Uden Crematorium. At her cremation the newest 2004 recorded Naked III version of the song I've Just Lost Somebody was played. This song is dedicated to Louise Donk by the bandmembers. The cdsingle was especially sent by Universal Music to the family of Louise to make sure the song could be played at her memorial service. The memorial service was attended by at least four hundred (!) family members, friends, collegues, many many Golden Earring fans and Golden Earring guitarist George Kooymans who came to pay his respects on behalf of the band.
Later that evening several bandmembers joined in jamsessions. On January 15, Rinus Gerritsen and Barry Hay did play a set during The Clarks concert at the Westwood, The Hague. Normally Cesar Zuiderwijk would have been there too to play along, but as mentioned he did perform saturday evening January 15 at the end of the Ready 2 Play night at Musicon Music centre The Hague. Ready 2 Play is the name for young bands who are trained at Musicon.
Songs played where When The Lady Smiles, I can't sleep without you, Long Blond Animal, The devil made me do it, Holy Holy Life (!), Twilight Zone, Radar Love and Back home.
Rinus mentioned the fact they added Ce Soir to the setlist of the acoustic shows. Rinus will, just like at the Naked III recordings, play more piano during the acoustic shows, just like as he does with Just A Little Bit Of Peace In My Heart. His health is improving. Of course Rinus mentioned the decease of Louise Donk, which was a shock for the band.
On January 24, 2005 Rinus tried out a new stringbass (China landscape). For all you curious musicians out there; all information including pictures are on Rinus' website.
For January 28, the new single release was scheduled: I've Just Lost Somebody acoustic live recorded during the Naked III sessions. This is part one of the cdsingle. It contains the extra tracks Twilight Zone (**) and Johnny Make Believe (**). Track listing of the part 2 cdsingle which did appear February 11th contains I've just lost somebody (*)\Save Your Skin (**)\Paradise In Distress (full version, including Cesar's solo) (**)\I've Just Lost Somebody (***)
* From the Naked III album
** Bonus tracks, not available on the Naked III album
but recorded in the Panama Club, June 2004
*** The original 1968 version
But due to technical problems at the CD factory the release of the new single I've just lost somebody (Part 1) was delayed for one week to February 04, 2005! The single came in at position 20 from the Mega Top 100 and on position 6 from the Pepsi Mega Chart. (But this is based on cdsingle sales at Free Record shop!) One week later on February 11th the second part was released.
The cover of the Naked III album showed a guitar again decorated with three naked girls again. The decoration was painted by Henk Schiffmacher again. Barry first had the artistic idea for this concept for the Naked Truth album. So it was obvious for the sequels Naked II and Naked III this concept was used again.
The sold out dvd "Alle Gekheid Met Een Stokje" is rereleased by Free Record shop on February 4, 2005. This second release has a different sleeve compared to the first one, but the content is the same.
Coverband The Clarks did give a concert on February 12, 2005 on Curaçao with Barry Hay. The Golden Earring singer performed with the Clarks several times before. The Clarks were last year on Curaçao as well and performed together with Lee Towers then. Just like that concert the gig with Barry Hay was at the garden of Café-restaurant Tu Tu Tango, Willemstad. Nice photo's of this show can be seen on this site. (Photo section)
The complete Pinkpop 2005 program was announced at a press conference on February 16, 2005 in Paradiso Amsterdam. Also 4 of the acts did perform there and amongst them was Beth Hart. Golden Earring will perform on the Pinkpop Festival at Landgraaf, Monday May 16. This will be the third time for the band (Earlier they played there in 1970 and 1977). Only a few bands have performed there 3 times in their career!
Part two of the I've Just Lost Somebody single was released on February 11th, 2005. The single entered the Mega Top 100 at position 6! The tracklength of Paradise In Distress on the cd mentions that it is 12.16 minutes long. But when you play the song it is only about 8 minutes long....
Cesar did perform 4 times at the Big Bang Drumming festival which was held from 17 -21 February 2005. He was also the show host for each of the four evenings! Cesar will also give another drum clinic in May at Drumworld, Ittervoort, Holland!
On February 25, 2005 there was the cd\dvd-presentation for the new album Naked III at the Panama Club Amsterdam. Check out the review on this site! Tickets for this presentation could be won at the Free Record Shop site if you preordered the album....... But also on national radio. For the cd presentation the band performed a small 7 track concert.
Setlist for the Panama CD presentation show:
The Devil Made Me Do It.
Amongst the many guests were some members of Percossa Percussion, Xandra Brood, Willem van Kooten (Red Bullet, who gave the first Naked III dvd to each member), Daniel Dekker (Dutch Radio 2), Ocki Klootwijk (bass player), Sandra Hay, Henk Schiffmacher and Dirk Zeelenberg (Wellknown as "Wouter of the LOI advertisements")
On the Naked III cd\dvd is the Will and Mercy track Barry already promised during theatre concerts in the Nineties and which can be heard on the Don't Stop The Show dvd and video. (Back then he was making a joke of it but it finally became true!) But also never played before acoustic tracks like Ce soir and Just like Vince Taylor made this album well worth the waiting for.
The songs Johnny Make Believe and Twilight Zone which were played during the Naked III recordings are not on the cd album which is an Super Audio CD (SACD) However Twilight Zone is on the DVD release.
Rumours were there the band did some additional shots without fans to make the dvd look even better as both recording evenings were very hot. (Inside even more than outside the building) The recordings of the first night were not used for that reason. It was too hot inside so the band did sweat too much. But I have no confirmation these additional shots were really made.
But the new cd was released with a spelling error in the track name (Holy Holy Live instead of Holy Holy Life) and the tracklisting on the inlay is in different order than the concert was. Holy Holy Life is now in the middle of the tracklisting. The cd also contains the thief which isn't mentioned on the cover! The track time of Paradise In Distress is incorrect. Of course this was a big mistake again by Universal. (it happened before with the 35 years cd which didn't had the bandname on it and the Millbrook USA dvd with spelling errors) For those fans who had the first edition of the cd with the inlay with errors they could ask for a replacement back inlay and cd cover. There was a also new cd cover available on the official Golden Earring website (Adobe document (pdf-file) to save and/or print out).
Later on you could get a new cover and back inlay at the record store where you bought your cd. Not many fans did this as the first release is a kind of collectors item. The new cd cover and back inlay now have the same design as the dvd since the middle of March 2005. In the old version the cd had it's own design (3 naked girls in a circle) and stood apart beside the dvd. Now they are the same. The cdsingle cover concept now no longer matches the cd cover design.....
On February 27, 2005 it became clear the in 1986 recorded but never released EP ‘In America’ from the Dutch band City And State would be for sale after all. The five tracks on the cd were recorded by Evert Nieuwstede (Who wrote all the songs) with several fellow musicians like David Hollestelle, Gee Carlsberg, Ad van der Ree and Erik de Boer (all ex-Wild Romance and/or Urban Heroes). Under the name City And State they released one single at the time. Nieuwstede recently found the recordings in his attic and did release them through the website On the CD there are contributions from guest musicians George Kooymans (Golden Earring), Candy Dulfer, Herman Brood, Monica Tjen (Hermes Houseband) and the late Wim Bieler (Q65).
On Monday February 28, 2005 there was a 4 minute broadcast from the Earring album presentation Naked III on the RTL Boulevard tv-show.
To promote the album a tv commercial was shown on national tv. Also there were cd and dvd give-aways by calling a number of national paper The Telegraaf. Rinus and Barry could be heard on the radio program on March 2 and 3. The band was invited to perform at Barend en Van Dorp tv shows on March 07, 10 and 11, 2005.
The duet Barry Hay sang with American singer Beth Hart was released February 2005 by Universal music! It was mentioned in the Slagwerkkrant drummer Martijn Bosman (Kane) is also on the single. The duet is titled 'I don't want to be'. The video shoots from the recording studio from the artists will probably be used for a videoclip to promote the single. The track is a bonustrack on the Dutch re-release of Beth's album Leave the light on (18 February 2005). The previously released cd is now extended with five tracks including I don't want to be. (Universal label, label number 987 054-6) It also has a five track live cd in the jewelcase as well. Beth new single will be in stores in May and will also have the duet as second track.
In February 2005 (the initial second, but deleted) The Golden Earrings single "Lonely everyday" with the b-side "Not to find" was put up on auction at Ebay. This was to be the Golden Earrings second single, but it was deleted and destroyed before release. Very few copies are known to exist, the seller personally knows of 12 copies. The item was sold with picture sleeve and has a promo stamp on label: "Monster plaat niet voor verkoop" and was sold now on Ebay for 2285 US dollars! This is defenitely the highest price I have seen paid for this item. (And I think it is very high, but on the other hand this is a collectors item!)
Rumours ran around Golden Earring would perform on a The Hague festival September 03, 2005 at the Malieveld (just near Central Station). Other names mentioned are Kane and Di-rect! No more info known yet...
On February 23, 2005 Barry painted a dish for charity reasons for the KiKa foundation. He painted together with two cancerpatients a pink guitar on a large dish. For those of you who like to take a look at the item: the dish could be be seen untill March 16th at the Ceramic Studio Color me mine.
On Wednesday March 02, 2005 Barry Hay was the guest in a one hour show for the 1000th broadcast of the NPS radio program Kunststof on Dutch national Radio 1. Great interview and beside Earring information Barry told some really personal things. Amongst those facts he mentioned he was named after actor John Barrymore! In the broadcast they tried to start the track I've just lost somebody but due to the misprint cover this took three tries!
The next day Thursday March 03, 2005 Barry Hay was the guest of the TROS Dutch radio 2 program "Gouden Uren" for a small item.
Golden Earring did perform three times in the Barend en Van Dorp tv-show on March 07, 10 and 11, 2005. The songs played were I've just lost somebody, Angel and Sleepwalking. On March 10 the band also joined at the table for the forum discussion. They also discuss their 40 year musical career.
On March 13, 2005 Barry did the recordings for a song for a cd. The first contacts for the recording were already made in December 2004 when Barry was asked if he wanted to cooperate for the album. The song called "Love me about that much" was recorded in Scheveningen at the home studio of singer Meg and her husband, drummer Hans Eijkenaar. The song was used for a cd which is packed with a book by Wouter Stips called "Ongeveer zoveel hou ik van jou". For all songs the lyrics were written by Wouter Stips and the music is by Meg and Hans. Barry's song is the only one sung in English as Barry specificly asked for a text in English. The title of his track is the translation for the bookname: Love me about that much. So this song was especially written and composed for Barry. Barry came to the recordings with his close friend Erik Hazelhoff Roelfsema. (Erik did the voice over at the end of the song). Wouter Stips is the brother of former Golden Earring member Robert Jan Stips.
Judasville became the new support act for several shows in March and April. Thier first appearance was on March 18, 2005 in Zoelen at the Sneeuwpop festival (Electric show) Due to the success the band was asked for more shows as well.
March 14, 2005 The "new" electric setlist as played at the Hoogwoud concert: no bass solo and 1 song changed to the previous setlist: I've just lost somebody which replaced Leather. Setlist: Candy's going bad, Skyscraper hell of a town, Another 45 miles, Better of dead, Future, Sleepwalking, Twilight Zone, Save your skin, Mission impossible, I've just lost somebody, When The Lady Smiles, Going To The Run, Albino moon, Johnny Make Believe, Radar Love, Back home. The encores: Long Blond Animal and Holy Holy Life.
George Kooymans is now trying out a new amp on stage again next to his Koch. This time it's a Mesa Boogie (dual rectifier it seems) which seems to work very well. The Randalls amplifiers are not on stage anymore. At the Hoogwoud gig the new (Mesa boogie) amplifier was on stage for the first time. This amp will be modificated\extended for George and will replace the old Koch amplifier in the future according to fan reports.
So the band and crew had some busy weeks lately. Normally a rehearsal-day or two are planned. Rinus is testing a personal monitor system using in-ears. The crew is glad to remember everything after 'all those weeks'. Rinus' health is doing great, but he didn't play his bass solo yet. The very high frequencies (feedback during his bass-solo) are sometimes pretty annoying for him. It's all a matter of time.
On March 16, Golden Earring performed a one hour acoustic show at the LogicaCMG annual company party.
The proceeds of the Kika auction on March 17, at Artis Zoo Amsterdam were 150.000 euro's! Barry's item was auctioned for 4500 euro's!
On March 17, Barry Hay was heard for an interview on Dutch radio 3 (Program Arbeidvitaminen, program part De Naamplaat). Also the cover and inlay reprints of Naked III are now available. I received an item from Universal at home. But fans report they are in (at least some) stores now. About the new cd cover and back inlay: these have the same design as the dvd now. In the old version the cd had it's own design and stood apart beside the dvd. Now they are the same. The cdsingle cover concept now no longer matches the cd cover design.....
Barry Hay is working on a book for children now. It will be illustrated by his wife Sandra. The book's theme is about a man type Elvis, antisocial and a woman type Barbie, which have a kid which tries to bring up it's parents.... Release is planned for the end of this year, around December.
Barry was seen in an tv-interview for RTL4 Autowereld March 19, 2005 about his new car a Cadillac SUV. He also told an anecdote about his first car, an AC Cobra (Sold to 2 collectors in Wassenaar and one week later wrecked to a tree by them) This program was re-broadcasted on March 20th on RTL 5.
On March 21, there was an item in SBS6 tv program Hart van Nederland about the Schiffmachers getting married that day in Mokum! Of course The Hay's (being friends of them) were there as well and could be seen on tv for a moment as well.
The Rockpalast dvd with the 1982 Golden Earring concert was released on March 23, 2005 in Germany. Many fans in Holland bought the dvd as well as it is an energetic show from the band playing abroad. Thorugh import channels the dvd was sold in Holland also.
The recordings of the TV show "Raymann is laat"" from comedian Jorgen Raymann were recorded on March 24 at the Nighttown club, Rotterdam. The actual broadcast was on March 25, NPS, NL3 and repeated one day later on the same channel.
Due to illness of Barry the concert of March 30, 2005 at the Oosterpoort, Groningen was cancelled. New show date became May 21, 2005. Also the Veghel concert (April 1st) and Landgraaf (April 2nd) were cancelled. It was the second time this concert had to be rescheduled as last year this concert was cancelled due to illness of Rinus! Veghel will be moved to May 24, 2005. More concerts had to be cancelled like Terneuzen (April 5), IJmuiden (April 6) and Alphen (April 9th). As Barry had a salmonella food poisening his recovery took a while. The Alphen concert (April 9th) was the sixth concert in a row which had to be cancelled.

The fanclub site guest book mentioned Universal Music reported Radio 538 (Program Evers staat op by DJ Edwin Evers) will do something nice again with Golden Earring in April. This was scheduled for the first of second week of April, but due to Barry's illness this will be later. Keep on listening!
The magazine LIVE XS from April 2005 has a small article about The Night of the drums at Atlantis, Alkmaar on Friday April 22, called: drummer des vaderland": Cesar Zuiderwijk. Plus a photo of Cesar. Cesar will be joining here for the musical program. There is more info about the "Night Of The Drums" here. Cards are 10 euro and for sale now.
The show on October 14, at The Heineken Music Hall is now officially confirmed!
More shows had to be cancelled. Finally 8 shows in a row were cancelled as Barry got Pneumonia as well after his Salmonella food poisening. It ended in the middle of April and it took over three weeks to fully recover........ Barry lost almost 6 kilo's of weight!
Fans reported Golden Earring gave a great first show at Goes after Barry's illness on April 16. However Barry was really tired afterwards. Check the news part of this site for a fan impression. George Kooymans is now using Mesa amplifiers. (Who has more info?)
On April 17, there was a press conference at the Amsterdam Hard Rock café for the release of the My dad is a rockstar dvd releases. Barry was present at this press conference. He received a limited edition of the dvd's. In a box there are 9 dvd's with the series on it. It also has 2 missing episodes from the serie which are not on the regular dvd releases. The serie is also sold on 4 separate dvd's each containing 2 episodes of the serie.
On April 22, 2005 the band recorded and mixed several songs at the Bullet Sound Studios for the Evers Staat Op radioshow (Radio 538) From this session 3 tracks were added to the 2005 cdsingle Angel (Naked III album acoustic version). The added tracks are Twilight Zone (07.58), Long Blond Animal (4.29) and Radar Love (6.21)
In September 2005 the long awaited book The story of Golden Earring will be released. Authors are sisters and Golden Earring fans Mechteld and Karin Beks. Bart Chabot is still gathering info for his book about Rinus called "De bassist".
Even this date is uncertain as today (April 20) I spoke Feike de Keijzer from the Bookdesign company at my home who wanted more info and record and cd sleeves from me. She said the book will be about 360 pages and the date is not certain due to the fact they give priority to quality instead of a rush release. She gave me an impression of the graphic design and it looks GREAT. My compliments for the fantastic layout and great graphics. This book you NEED TO HAVE as an Earring fan. And although the language is Dutch, foreign fans will buy this one for sure as there is so much to look at!
Golden Earring did play in the morning of April 22, 2005 in the Bullet Sound Studio 1 at Nederhorst den Berg from 10.15 to 11 hr in front of a 30 man audience. This was the result of a vote for the Top 5 of the listeners Radio 538 radio station on the "Edwin Evers staat op" radio show. The next week the songs were broadcasted, every day another song. The songs recorded are: When The Lady Smiles, Another 45 miles, Twilight Zone, Radar Love and Long Blond Animal. All tracks were recorded at once except for Long Blond Animal which was restarted after a few seconds. The show was great according to a fan who had been there. The recordings were done by John Sonneveld. Afterwards Barry and George listened to the recordings very carefully.
Cesar did join the night of drums in Atlantis (Alkmaar) on April 22, 2005.
On April 25, 2005 there was a book and cd release at the Paard van Troje, The Hague from a cd Barry Hay has cooperated for. He sang one song (Love me about that much) for the album which came with a book called "Ongeveer zoveel hou ik van jou", written by Wouter Stips (Yes, the brother of Robert Jan!). The tracks are recorded by the musiscians of Anouks band, including them drummer Hans Eijkenaar. He and his wife Meg composed all music for the cd, only track 10 was composed by Robert Jan Stips. At the book release many musicians performed their songs live. Barry wasn't at the presentation as he still is recovering from his illness. His song was performed live by the band and mixed with the vocals of Barry by the sound technician.

George Kooymans did join a lot of musicians (Like Freek de Jonge with Robert Jan Stips) to perform at The Plein in The Hague on April 26, 2005 for the "een royaal gebaar" manifestation. This action was organised by Marion Bloem. On tuesday April 26 all persons who signed the petition on were invited to come to Het Plein in The Hague between 13 and 15.15 hr, as politicians were then being asked to sign on a personal base the letter to the queen requesting a general pardon to all illegals in the Netherlands. More than 170.000 autographs were gathered to present to the authorities. Only a few hundred people attended the manifestation. Freek de Jonge, Ernst Jansz, The Lau, George Kooymans, Robert Jan Stips, Huub van der Lubbe, Frederique Spigt, Joris Linssen, Hans Dagelet, Esther Apituley, Plattèl, some refugees were some of the artists who did perform. A book with an impression of all letters to the queen and a cd with special recorded songs in it is released. For this cd George Kooymans recorded a track with his daughter Cassy. The song is called "Waar ga je heen" and sung by George and his daughter Cassy, guitar by George, bass by Rinus and drums by Cesar! The track is sung in Dutch. The cd is enclosed in the book "Een royaal gebaar", published by Picture Publishers (Same company as the one who will publish the Story of Golden Earring Book)
In de Telegraaf April 26, 2005 it was mentioned Barry wins the Zeiss Relaxed vision award and is called the "Dutch Bono" for always wearing sunglasses and his "vision" on sunglasses. The awards were presented by the Stichting promotie optiekbranche to the winners at a press conference at the Amsterdam Cineac.
Cesar Zuiderwijk was heard on Dutch radio 1 on May 2, 2005 for an one hour interview at the "Voor 1 nacht" program with host Jeanne Kooymans.
In May 2005 several shows were played which were originally planned in 2004 but then Rinus became ill. (Ear infection and dizzyness for several weeks.)
The May issue of Linda Magazine has an article about "The wife of", this time Barry Hay. Sandra Hay tells about her life with Barry Hay. She met him when she was only 19 years old. She now is 37 so she differs almost 20 years with Barry. She mentions the fact their life is incredibly perfect. They are happy with their 2 children, their animals and each other. She realises how lucky they are as she saw many relationships around her ending. Their relationship is based on friendship, fun and they never argue (Only about the central heating which he always places on low temperature). Barry is a positive man and a "dream father". She couldn't understand the fact that when she met Barry he really liked her. She was a girl who spent her youth at children homes. That he really adored her (and still does) was surreal! The 20 years difference were never an issue. Barry still looks great and sometimes really is a small child in her eyes. She sometimes feels older than him. Especially in practical things, like the household she wants to be in control. That's her dominion and Barry likes it that way. Barry stands behind his woman and encourages her in the things she does. As she is an artist as well he bought her a painting easel when she started painting. By now she had 2 expositions of her own and sold a lot of work already. Sandra is now working on a children's book.
On May 06, 2005 Cesar opened a music shop.
Cesar did give a drum clinic on May 09, 2005 at Drum World at Ittersum.
On May 13 Veronica broadcasting corporation did show the tv premiere of the Naked III dvd on television. This was an edited version of 55 minutes, as most of the time this is done with this kind of broadcasts in the past. It has been seen by 96.000 viewers. This is a fair amount of viewers considering the broadcast time....
At the same day (May 13, 2005) the Naked III dvd was shown on television another cdsingle called Angel was released by Universal Music. There are three bonustracks on the cdsingle called Radar Love, Long Blond Animal and Twilight Zone. All bonus tracks were recorded for the Radio 538 radioshow "Evers staat op" on April 22, 2005 by John Sonneveld at the Bullet Sound studio's. He also did the single mixing. The single will be available for a limited price during May 13-27 at Free record shop and van Leest shops. The layout of the cdsingle cover is the same as the I've Just Lost Somebody cdsingle. (Design by Henk Schiffmacher). But again a typo has been made on the cd-cover. Twilight Zone is written by George Kooymans alone instead of Kooymans\Hay as mentioned on the cover. I even dare to doubt wether Radar Love is published by Snamyook music. This is the publisher for songs from George alone as stated with Twilight Zone. Radar Love in original version was published by Snamyook\Dayglow.....

The original version of Angel was published on the 1995 Face it cd and released on cdsingle then as well by Sony Music.
On April 29, 2005 record company Warner re-released Beth Harts album Leave the light on to promote her upcoming gigs in Holland. The album is re-released with a 5 track live bonus cd and the cd is extended with 5 tracks. Amongst those 5 extra tracks is the duet Beth recorded with Barry Hay called I don't want to be. On May 13, the new Beth Hart single was released called "Learning to live". Beth Hart is also a performing artist at Pinkpop 2005 (Just like Golden Earring) and that's also one reason why the bonustrack "I don't wanna be" with Barry is placed as second track on this Dutch cdsingle. (Universal label, label number 987 146-6) The song I dont' want to be was a big hit for singer Kevin de Graw during summer 2005.

Many Radio 2 listeners have voted in the first two weeks of May 2005 about a list of 111 well-known song intro's. The intro of the Dutch Pop classic Radar Love' (1973) by Golden Earring was chosen to be the best intro ever! The 2nd position was for 'School' by Supertramp (1974), 3rd became 'I feel fine' by The Beatles (1964) and on 4th position Hotel California' by The Eagles (1976). In a reaction on Belgium teletext George Kooymans mentioned: "We know the song is a classic, which is played every day everywhere around the world, but this election is a fine recognition!"
On May 16, 2005 Golden Earring did perform for the third time in their career at Pinkpop 2005. They gave a great one hour show. Radio and tv broadcasts were made. Probably Golden Earring was in it as well.... On VPRO 3 voor 12 website you could see the Earring on WebTV live. Unfortunately Barry Hay didn't join Beth Hart on the main stage to sing their duet live on Pinkpop 2005 due to a time problem to rehearse the song.
Fans reported No for an answer is ommited from the electric setlist by this time.
The May issue of the Dutch Music maker magazine has a topic on the stage setup of Golden Earring: "Earring 40 jaar Golden gear".
Golden Earring lead singer Barry Hay and the band The Sheer did attend at the "Muzikantendag" on May 21 to give hints and tips and information to musicians. Barry did give a workshop "Vocal coaching". Last year Cesar gave a drum clinic at this event. The muzikantendag took place at the Melkweg and Cinecenter Amsterdam and is meant for starting and semi-professional musicians who want to become information about making music and starting a musical career. More information on the Muzikantendag site.
On Monday May 23, the band gave a small concert at Capelle aan de IJssel for a limited audience. Tickets were sold to customers only by Cor Van Dalen, the owner of a burnt down restaurant and the show was given in a small theatre (Isala Theatre) to celebrate the fact the restaurant was open again...
On May 29, Dutch photographer Anton Corbijn gave his 50th birthday party at his new bought home at the The Hague Anna Paulownastraat. Amongst many famous guests were U2's Bono and Adam Clayton, but also former Golden Earring member Robert Jan Stips! At the end of the evening Bono sang Golden Earring's Radar Love!
On May 31, the band played in the New Luxor Theatre at Rotterdam again. They only played one encore and then left for a "new herring party" at Scheveningen. The reason why they only played one encore is misty as the crowd was cheering and whistling for more.........
On June 04, 2005, Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform together with the Clarks and several other guest musicians at the The Hague Kaderock 2005 festival near his drumschool Music Station again. Due to circumstances (podium not delivered in time) the festival started over two hours later and as Cesar had to be in Wateringen later on that day, he only performed one song with the Clarks (When The Lady Smiles) and left the stage. Anyway the Clarks set with a lot of guests was pretty impressive and I really enjoyed the Livin' blues part. Man, that Nicko Christiansen really is a performer! Frans Krassenburg performed That day and Sound of the screaming day. This was great also.... A few hours later Cesar performed with Percossa Percussion in Wateringen (near the Hague, on a local percussion day). Musicon did organise for the tenth time in a row their Kaderock music festival and there were acts like Dominator, Qrio, Midnight temptation, Firefly, Van katoen and Smutfish.
On June 06, 2005 there was a press conference where the upcoming Beatstad festival was announced. The conference was held in The Hague at the FAB café-restaurant where Barry, Cesar and George attended as well as other performing artists like Kane and Di-rect.
On June 18, all 40.000 tickets for the Beatstad festival The Hague on September 03, 2005 were sold out in 35 minutes so it seemed. However the ticketmaster online ordering was many times overloaded and cards were available for several weeks afterwards. Half july 30.000 tickets were sold.
On June 25, 2005 Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform with Percossa Percussion on the "Straatfestival" Woerden at the Kerkplein from 17 18 hour.
On June 27, 2005 a cd was released with the recordings of the sold-out Arena shows by Dutch artists Gerard Joling, Rene Froger and Gordon. On this cd is a cover version of Radar Love as performed at these shows. Cd is titled Toppers in concert. The dvd of this concert is released on September 23, 2005.
On July 12, Barry Hay was heard on national radio 3FM for an small interview at Claudia D'rop radioshow (Vara) and Twilight Zone was acoustic played together with Eric Corton around 13.30 hr. Barry was present in the studio and was guest in the Quiz Eric tegen 1 about Golden Earring on radio. You could win a fantastic price. A "signed banana"! Barry should have done this last week already but due to the tragic terroristic attacks on London targets this event was rescheduled for July 12th! The next day, Wednesday July 13, 2005 Barry Hay was the guest in a radio show on Yorin FM hosted by Henk Westbroek. No more details known.
On July 13, 2005 Dutch radiostation Yorin FM promoted the Vertigo 2005 U2 tour with a special broadcast. In a direct interview from his airplane Bono requested Golden Earring's Radar Love to be played on the station. It seems Radar Love is Bono's favourite song. U2 did three shows at the Amsterdam Arena. During the (encore) song Vertigo on July 13, live at the Amsterdam Arena; Bono sang two lines from Radar Love, and shouted three times Radar Love. From this show fans released a bootleg recording on 2cd called U2 Vertigo tour and label number Vertigo 07-13. After the concerts the PA played Radar Love as well and all visitors sang along with it while leaving the Arena!
But according to the Radar Love website and own research Bono did more Radar Love in the past. Back in 1997 U2 played a karaoke version of Radar Love at the Kuip, Rotterdam at a concert from their Popmart Tour.
On July 31, 2005 Cesar and Rinus did attend a tribute concert for John Lagrand in Monster. Cesar played with this musician in Livin' Blues in the sixties. John was a famous mouthharp player. He also contributed with a solo on the Golden Earring tracks Snot love in Spain and Tiger Bay from the No promises, no debts album. For more info check news section of this site. Rinus did perform in several songs in the session band. (John Lagrand died at the age of 55 on June 30, 2005 from emphysema)
At the end of July, early August the long awaited Live from the Twilight Zone dvd was released by Red Bullet. In the fan circuit rumours float around the 1969 Eight miles high documentary as well as one or more of the so called Sceheveningen Beach concerts (1986 and 1993) will be released as well....
Barry Hay spent his summer vacation with his family in Brasil this year.
From August 11, 2005 on there is another vote for the greatest Roadtrip song on USA Today. Amongst the nominated songs is Radar Love. Golden Earring fans around the world voted a lot for this song and on August 21 the song was at first position with 36% of the votes untill then. At one point the vote rate got up to 50% for Radar Love. The final result is not known yet.
On August 12, 13 and 14, 2005 Cesar Zuiderwijks Music Station did organise another 3 day Drumdriedaagse just like the years before..! On two evenings there were sessions with Cesar on drums! The first session was on August 12 with Nicko Christiansen on saxophone. On stage were two drumkits and every song another drummer was invited to join Cesar Zuiderwijk on stage and drum along with the sessionband. Amongst several older drummers were 12 year old Dennis and 9(!) year old Shanna Vos. Second session was on August 13, 2005. This drum driedaagse event was organised by Cesar Zuiderwijks Music Station in cooperation with Slagwerkkrant with the support of Zildjian (Zildjian bekkens to every Pearl drumkit), Pearl (supported the event with Pearl drum kits in every room!) and DW Drums who organised the Marco Minneman clinic.
From August 20 on the organisation of the Beatstad festival decided the ticket sales for the concert on September 3, 2005 was open for fans outside The Hague as well! As there are 6.000 of the 40.000 tickets remaining this will mean the festival will be sold out soon.
On August 20 Cesar joined the band WC Experience on stage at their concert at Gilze. He played along with them and also gave a drum solo together with the band's drummer.
5 days later on August 25, 2005 he did another (short) solo performance. The 'Netkous' can stand severe drumming. Even the white paint of the recently placed first steel part of the Randstad Rail overpass at the the Hague Prinses Beatrixlaan stayed on during the loud sound waves. Not even a crack was to be seen when Cesar Zuiderwijk and percussiongroup Absurdo tested the durance of the construction during a 5 minute long loud drumming performance on August 25th, 2005. With the use of empty oil drums and an electronic drumkit the sound of a construction site was imitated on a height of 7,5 meters up in the air on a hanging stage in the 'Netkous' (part of the Randstad Rail) There was no special composition written by Cesar for the event which took place to celebrate that the first steel part of the Randstad Rail overpass (called the 'Netkous') was in place now. It was put into position within 4 hours at night this week.
On August 28, 2005 national paper de Telegraaf mentioned in their article "Radar Love beste muziek in de auto" the USA Today voting for Radar Love as the beste roadtrip song. Even Barry Hay did phone to the Netherlands mid August while he was on vacation in Brasil to find out what this was all about after reading a newspaper abroad.
Dutch Radio 2 did broadcast a Golden Earring concert on August 30, 2005 starting 22hr. This is a concert from the archives and was made up out of a "Leidsekade live recording" from 1991 and the Pinkpop 2005 concert. More info on the radio 2 festival site.
On September 01, 2005 the band did a try-out show at Berkel en Rodenrijs. During this first concert after the 2005 summerbreak at Berkel en Rodenrijs (01-09-2005) Golden Earring played a new song. It is called Watcha gonna do (When The Levee Breaks) (A song written by Frank Carrillo) and was the first live performance of this song by Golden Earring!) This song can be found on the cd 'Bad out there' by Frank Carillo and the Bandoleros. Also the track Bombay was added to the setlist. On this song Sidney Katz played along on electric guitar. He performed the Spanish laut on Albino moon as well. (As always) During the soundcheck in Berkel en Rodenrijs there was a second new song played by George and Rinus, as Barry and Cesar didn't arrive there in time...... No more info about that songs is known.
Golden Earring did perform at the Malieveld, The Hague, on Saturday September 3, 2005! They were the closing act of the Den Haag Beatstad 2005 festival and did start at around 22 hour in front of 43.000 fans. Kane and Di-rect were the other bands performing as well. Golden Earring played a "new song". Their version of the Frank Carillo song Watcha gonna do, when the levee breaks, which sounded really good. Also Bombay which was added to the setlist since the Berkel and Rodenrijs concert was played again with Sidney Katz on stage. Furthermore Golden Earrings set contained the wellknown hits like Twilight Zone, Radar Love, Long Blond Animal, when the lady smiles and encore Back home together with Kane and Di-rect. Of course: "It's always good to be back home (performing in The Hague)" A compliment has to be given to Golden Earrings light designer Marcus Muzea for the fantastic lighting during the concert. As there were so many lights on stage the view was sometimes overwhelming.... As over 10 camera's recorded the whole event i'm curious to find out what it will be for. A dvd? Tv-broadcast or probably both?
At the festival site postcards were spread to promote the Golden Earring 2006 Ahoy concert. It's a great full colour postcard. Just before Golden Earring started their concert they were given a special recorded "Tribute to the Golden Earring" cd with 13 covered Earring songs like That day, Twilight Zone and a metal version of Back home. Everyone of the 45.000 visitors was given a free copy of this after the festival! However many fans couldn't get a copy as several other persons took hands full of cd's for their own. Some lucky Earring fans could get a copy: "Grab it for a second and hold it tight". Only a day later copies were already offered as collector items on various auction sites at ridiculous prices....
After the concert Golden Earring went to the afterparty at the Asta discotheque where their former support act Billy The Kid did perform at 2 AM for a one time reunion concert after they split a few years ago! Beside Golden Earring many more VIPS like Kane, Di-Rect, Johnny de Mol, Peter van Leeuwen, Chris Zegers and his girlfriend Wendy van Dijk and Bridget Maasland to name a few could be seen on the VIP balcony of Asta.
From September 04 untill September 10 there was a Golden Earring Week at Paagman bookshop, The Hague. The legendary the Hague Rockband Golden Earring existed 40 years now. On september 04 the week was opened by ten poets each telling a poem and live music from the band Juice. During the mentioned week several the Hague bands did perform Golden Earring songs. In the bookshop a small exposition of Golden Earring items was to be seen untill September 20. The long awaited Book Story of Golden Earring will be released in October 2005. The introduction price is 49,95 euro's, from January 01, 2006 on the price will be 59,95 euro's.
During a broadcast of "Show nieuws" on SBS6 television on September 07, 2005 it was mentioned Barry Hay made another commercial. Starting the next week mid september, a new commercial did rotate on Dutch television with BACK HOME as the background song. You see a man running to the toilet in a hurry. The commercial ends with Barry Hay (who is not seen) saying something about the product, With GLORIX.......
Golden Earring did perform 2 private shows for companies only. On Friday September 09, 2005 the band played an acoustic gig for Getronics at their annual personel party at Utrecht. On Friday September 16, 2005 the band played for the "Robert Fleury Stichting" at Voorschoten.
The Glorix commercial is now on air on tv. I saw it this morning on Dutch TV 1. Glorix is a brand name for a toilet cleaner. It is kinda funny commercial in my opinion. If you follow the commercial you see the truckdriver riding through Europe clearly "having bowel problems", squezing his thighs and riding for Holland (Hazeldonk border) and back home he's running for a toilet. The driver is a bit fat and Glorix the dikste (fattest) is the best for your toilet and the environment you hear Barry say. I especially like the man sitting in his truck cabin and he's non-verbal communication :-) I guess we all know the "sensation" of having to go to the toilet in a hurry....
It's hard to recognise Barry's voice if you shouldn't have known it. It's just a one liner and as he took an hour to produce it i'm wondering how many times he should have said it before the final take was done :-)
Barry did appear in a Dutch tv show called TV3 on September 15. The TV3 show is a daily talkshow from the Amsterdam Muziekgebouw aan het IJ, in which the viewer is informed about news from the world of culture and media. This broadcast was thursday September 15 on Dutch TV 3: 19.20 hr. Barry talked about the upcoming release of the book of his wife called Bibi moet plassen (Bibi must pee). A dummy of the book The Story of Golden Earring could be seen lying on the table... The other guest on the table was writer Ronald Giphart.
From the rumour cicuit I heard Golden Earring gets it's own rose. A special rose will be named after the band. It's not on the market yet as the last details have to be settled but this is "Only a matter of time" (to say it with the title of an Earring song)
The AD magazine of September 17, 2005 has a 2 page b&w photo by Kees Tabak of Barry Hay with wife and his 2 daughters in a reportage about a new book by Kees Tabak called Dutch Music in which he portrayed many Dutch artists including our own Golden Earring\Barry Hay. It will be released in October.
The regional paper Stedendriehoek from September 28, 2005 has a small article announcing the drum clinic of Cesar Zuiderwijk in shopping mall "De Orangerie" on Saturday October 01, 2005 from 12.30-16.00 hr.
During the month September Golden Earring recorded a few songs in a Dutch studio in Overijssel.
Sandra Hay now has her own website on line. Although it's still under construction you'll find some info on it. Check out On November 13, 2005 Sandra and Barry will sign her book after the book presentation of "Bibi moet plassen" at bookstore Paagman, The Hague. The book will be sold in a limited edition as well. This limited edition is limited to 500 pieces only and has a cd with it.
Barry Hay was present at the Radio 538 studio on October 07, 2005 during the 40th anniversary broadcast of the Dutch Top 40 chart. Golden Earring got awarded for the fact the total amount of weeks in the charts of all their singles was 389 weeks and this is the highest ever for a band in the Top 40.
On October 12 Golden Earring was the band to listen to on Arrow Classic rock radio station at "Rocktober". The whole day songs from the band were played in every hour show. From 22 to 23 hr. there was a special about the band and all kinds of single b-sides and lesser known songs were broadcasted. Most of these songs appeared on the 4cd The Devil Made Us Do It. Check out
Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform on drums at the Bergschenhoek library on Thursday evening October 13, starting 20 hr. Cesar will tell stories from the rich Golden Earring history and give a drum clinic. Tickets for sale, they cost 11 euro each.
During the Heineken Music Hall concert on October 14 Bertus Borgers joined the band during the encores She flies on strange wings and Holy Holy Life for some sax solo's. He also played along during Gamblers blues. You could buy drinks with special (plastic coins) These coins had the Golden Earring wings logo on the backside.
The Hague drumteacher Rob Kramer is professional drummer for 28 years now and is one of the teachers at Cesars Music Station. He organised on October 16th a huge drumarathon for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. In cooperation with Discovery Channel, Right to Play, BMI Benelux and Pearl Kramer runs the Amsterdam Marathon on October 16th, 2005. Every five kilometer he would give a drumsolo of 800-900 beats. These drumsolo's could be sponsored. But due to a lack of interest he had to call off his plans. There were no real sponsors and the response was low. However some individuals sponsored him for a few hundred euro's. The proceeds did all go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Check out the next link underneath!
There was an auction on E-Bay with drum sticks from famous drummers from Anouk, Marco Borsato, Golden Earring, Di-Rect and many more. More information on the Drumarathon site! Due to disappointing bids the items were retracted from the auction site.
Mid October 2005 another (second) version of the Glorix TV commercial was released. Again with the Back home song in the background and the same words by Barry about the Glorix product.
On their site the Boekdesign company stated the release of the long awaited book "Golden Earring" will be December 03, 2005. The bookpresentation will be at Asta, The Hague. Note that the title is changed to Golden Earring instead of The story of....
During the Heineken Music Hall show Bertus Borgers played along on three songs. (Gambler's Blues, She flies on strange wings and encore Holy Holy Life)
Golden Earring did perform some shows for companies only. On November 07, 2005 the band did play an acoustic gig for Eneco Energy at the Pepsi Music Stage, Amsterdam. Golden Earring also performed a show at the Antwerp Hilton Hotel for Citrix Systems at their first Benelux Citrix Solutions Conference on November 15, 2005.
Barry Hay could be seen in the NET5 tv program "I Feel Good".
On November 13, 2005 Barry and Sandra Hay were present at the book presentation of "Bibi Moet Plassen". They were signing for over 1,5 hours their book and at the end Barry was reading out of the book to some younger children at the end. They really enjoyed the many customers and we, the young and older fans, were having a good time. Our copies were signed and we all could buy a limited edition. This limited edition (500 copies only) has a cd in the book on which Barry and Sandra are reading from the book itself. The cd was recorded at Ocki Klootwijks Rock-Town studio, Rotterdam. Ocki Klootwijk was also present at the event. Afterwards Barry and Sandra told me they were overwhelmed by the number of people who wanted a signed copy. They didn't expect it at all.
The announced support act Judasville for several electric shows from November to December (Arnhem (Nov. 11), Wateringen (Nov. 25 & 26), Beverwijk (Dec. 9) and Leiden (Dec. 17) will not do these shows. At the Wateringen concerts they were replaced by support act Overthrow. On the Judasville website I saw their shows for Beverwijk and Leiden were cancelled as well. It might be possible Overthrow will do these shows as well.... However the concert poster for the Leiden 2006 show had the name Judasville as support act on it, but they didn't play...
The book presentation of the book "Golden Earring", formerly announced as "The story of"' will be on December 03, 2005 in The Hague at the Asta theatre. The amount of pages has been increased up to about 384 pages now and 900 illustrations! The site Haags Poppodium did mention there will also be a short concert at Asta dancing, The Hague, for the press, fans and invited people on December 3! 1000 tickets are now for sale! Promotion for the book has started and the Publishing company gave interviews for papers, radio and tv. These will be broadcasted soon.
Barry Hay attended with his wife Sandra the Millionairs fair at Amsterdam in December 2005.
A third version of the Glorix commercial (for Glorix doekjes) is aired on television since December 14, 2005. This time Another 45 miles is used for the background music.
Golden Earring did an in-store book signing session at bookstore Paagman The Hague on December 17, 2005. A lot of fans attended the session and Golden Earring signed the books for about 1,5 hours! Then they left for the Groenoordhal Leiden, to do their last electric concert this year. Bertus Borgers was present again and played along on three songs. (Gambler's Blues, She flies on strange wings and Holy Holy Life)
On December 22 there was another book sign session for "Bibi Moet Plassen" at the Bijenkorf, Amsterdam, where Barry and Sandra did sign the book at the book department from 19 - 20 hr.
George Kooymans was present on December 29, 2005 at the 65th birthday of Peter Koelewijn and played along with Peter Koelewijn, Boudewijn de Groot and others during the song "Kom van dat dak af". George is an old friend of Peter and they were neighbours for some time during the period George lived in Soest. George also performed the song in the early nineties during a New years tv-show.
In 2005 Radar Love covers were released by:
2005 Netherlands: De Vattebieren - Vattum?! (CD)
2005 Netherlands: New Groove Habits - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
2005 Canada: The Rockin' Wildcats - Driving Rock (3CD)
2005 Italy: Tramp's White Lion - Rocking the USA (2CD\2CD Promo)
2005 USA: Crossmen - Drum Corps International (4CD box, various artists)
2005 USA: Crossmen - Crossroads (US CD and DVD release)
2005 The Blind Dogs - Live on Stage (DVD)
2005 Germany: Bochumer All Star Band - Rock Classics Volume 3 (2DVD)
2005 Germany: Fateful Affair - Made in Tempelhof (CD)
2005 Germany: Five Men - On the Rocks (CD)
2005 Harald Schmidt Band - (Talkshow recording)
2005 Drew's Hit Crew - Country Duets & Race Classics featuring 60 hits. (4CD)
2005 Peru: Gerardo Manuel Y el Humo - Live in Peru (TV-show recording)
2005 Russia: Tramp's White Lion - Rocking the USA (2CD)
2005 Japan: White Lion - HiFive (Japan only release)
2005 UK: The Undecided - 20 Years of the Band (CD)
In 2005 an Another 45 Miles cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Tweak - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Back Home cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: BLO.Torch - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Bombay cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Can-Of-Be - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Dong-Dong-Di-Ki-Di-Gi-Dong cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Juice - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Going To The Run cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Gemstone - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Johnny Make Believe cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Atombox - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Long Blond Animal cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Indigo - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Sound Of The Screaming Day cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Doll House Drama - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a The Devil Made Me Do It cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Bagga Bownz - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a That Day cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Naked - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a Twilight Zone cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Stud Muffins - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
In 2005 a When The Lady Smiles cover was released by:
2005 Netherlands: Splendid - Golden Earring Tribute (Various Artists CD)
For more and detailed information about Radar Love covers I strongly suggest you visit the Radar Love website made by fellow researcher, collector and fan Patrick Orriens who dedicated a great part of his life researching this great song and tracking down many Radar Love covers.
2006 - In the Dutch movie La Bella Bettien (2002, by Hans Pos) which was broadcasted on January 01, 2006 on Nederland 1 by the Avro, you could see a scene where to girls go to a disco in Rome and they dance on "When The Lady Smiles" by Golden Earring.
During the Golden Earring vacation break Cesar Zuiderwijk organised several workshops at Music Station on January 06 (2 sessions), 07 and 08. Barry Hay was the special guest at a 30 minute concert The Clarks gave in Ahoy for the Wieler Zesdaagse on January 06, 2006.
On Wednesday, January 11, 2006 George Kooymans was interviewed on RTL4 in an early morning talkshow called Lijn 4. A videoclip George made with Marion Bloem for the "Royaal gebaar manifestation" was broadcasted as well.
Red Bullet announced Spring 2005 another Golden Earring dvd will be released. This probably is the long awaited 1969 Eight miles high special. History learned this dvd wasn't released unfortunately.
At the first show in the new year (Den Helder) the acoustic setlist was unchanged. The concert in The Hague was not sold out. During this concert Going To The Run was dedicated to the on January 19, 2006 deceased soul singer Wilson Pickett.
Golden Earring asked the local The Hague band to be their support act The Polar Exploration Ship for the shows in Kerkrade and Ahoy, Rotterdam.
For February 01, 2006 a concert at the Rotterdam Ahoy was scheduled. This is one of the biggest indoor venues in Holland where Golden Earring can perform live. It was the 7th time in their career Golden Earring went on stage in this large venue. In my opinion this show will contain some surprises, maybe some older songs will be played. It is expected Frank Carillo did join the band on stage for two songs as he was on a European tour in the same period. For this concert a special release of the Golden Earring 'Forever' t-shirt was printed with a6-colour print On the left sleeve you find the text'Golden Earring Ahoy 2006' and also a special deluxe keycord were for sale only at the Ahoy concert on February 01, 2006.
The Utrecht show on February 03, 2006 had to be postponed as well as the Amstelveen gig on February 06, 2006 due to voice problems George.
Doetinchem show on February 13, 2006 had to be postponed due to unknown reasons. It was rumoured Barry was ill in the fancircuit.
Barry Hay was present at the book presentation of Perfect Day (by writer Joost Zwagerman) at Studio DeSmet, Amsterdam on February 19, 2006. Barry Hay was amongst the performers like Frederique Spigt who gave a mini performance.

(Photo Jaap Reedijk)
Just like in 2005 Barry Hay took part in a painting session for the Kika 2006 auction. On February 22, 2006 Barry attended, amongst others like his friend Henk Schiffmacher, the VU hospital. He painted with Mohammed and an plaster animal. The proceeds of the auction will be for Kika (Children with Cancer foundation). The auction was on March 16, 2006 at Artis, Amsterdam. The proceeds of Barry's painted item were 7000 euro.
During the month February Golden Earring recorded several more tracks at the Dutch studio they were September last year as well.
Barry Hay and Cesar Zuiderwijk went with The Clarks to Curaçao in Feb\March 2006 to perform with them on March 04, 2006 at the Tu tu Tango café-restaurant. No more details known yet.
Rinus Gerritsen did attend the Rhytm and Rhymes festival on March 04, 2006. He was interviewed by Bart Chabot. The event is held at Asta Discotheque and The Hague City town hall. The interview will be used for the book Bart is writing about Rinus, which will be made out of the content of many interviews Bart held through the years with Rinus and Golden Earring.
Barry Hay is amongst the fourty artists who did attend the new festival Het Voorwoord at the Koninklijke Schouwburg on March 12, 2006. The event is organised by the Crossing Border Festival and Barry Hay was interviewed by Joost Zwagerman.
Golden Earring was forced to cancel another show on March 15 at Alphen aan de Rijn due to the fact Barry had caught a cold. The only had played one show at Terneuzen after their vacation break. The cancelled show is scheduled for May 30, now. The next show at Middenbeemster was performed as planned. George bought a new Gretsch guitar with Frank Carillo. George proudly showed the new guitar after the Middenbeemster concert backstage to fans. He doesn't use it for shows yet and wants to practice on it first. Then it will be used at shows as well. The guitar itself is a Gretsch G6199 "Billy-Bo" Jupiter Thunderbird, after a 1959 model used by Bo Diddley. During the Middenbeemster show Bertus Borgers played along as well.
Electric setlist as played at concert in Middenbeemster, March 18, 2006:
Evil Love Chain
Skyscraper Hell Of A Town
Another 45 Miles
When The Levee Breaks
Twilight Zone
Albino Moon (With Sidney Katz)
Are You Receiving Me (With Bertus Borgers)
Gambler's Blues (With Bertus Borgers)
Bombay (With Sidney Katz)
When The Lady Smiles
Going To The Run
Johnny Make Believe
Radar Love
Long Blond Animal
-------- encores ------
She Flies On Strange Wings (With Bertus Borgers)
Holy Holy Life (With Bertus Borgers)
Support act: Blue bus.
But after playing this Middenbeemster show Barry wasn't recovered as well a he thought. So again a show had to be cancelled. The Nijmegen show at de Vereeniging on March 22 had to be cancelled and was moved to May 03, 2006. On March 25, 2006 the band played at the IJsselhallen, Zwolle and the setlist was slightly changed compared to the Middenbeemster show. Bertus Borgers was not present this time. She flies on strange wings was omitted from the set, while Gambler's Blues was replaced with Save your skin. Back home was added to the end of the show, while Long Blond Animal became the first encore. Fact during this show was that George's microphone got defect halfway the song Future. As George uses a microphone with a cable, this cable got replaced and the problem solved. (I first thought it might be a low battery but only Barry uses a wireless microphone.)
Barry Hay was seen shortly on local TV Noord yesterday. He attended the opening of an exhibition of paintings by Jan Cremer at the Groninger museum called "Zeegezichten". He also gave his opinion about the paintings. The opening was on Sunday April 09, 2006 and the exhibition lasts untill October 2006.
On April 11, 2006 there was the presentation of the Golden Earring Rose. Each bandmember and manager Rob Gerritsen received a nice bouquet of these pretty flower which is named after the band. The rose is produced by Golden Earring fan and rose grower Theo Olyerhoek from Roelofarendsveen. It took him three years to create the rose and he asked for permission to use the band's name last year. The rose will be on sale from May 2006 on. On April 13, 2006 SBS Shownieuws had an item about the Golden Earring Rose.
On April 15, 2006 the band played at Nieuw Vennep again and gave a great was show. No suprises, same set as last week in Utrecht and Bertus Borgers played along again. Good old Jim Chapin was backstage at the gig as well and proud of what he considers his "son" Cesar. The band made up for the deception of last year when Barry and Cesar had a quarrel and the band didn't play an encore then. Next year March 03, 2007 they're booked again for Nieuw Vennep according to info from fans.
Cesar and Percossa did the re-opening of a shop called Shop Wessels de Vlog Luxerie in Rijssen on April 27. Several performances were given during the day.
On May 01, 2006 the opening of Cesar Zuiderwijks Music Station at Rotterdam will be a fact. Besides the school in The Hague there now is a possibility to take lessons in Rotterdam as well. Amongst the teachers are drummer Ernst van Ee and Golden Earring second bass roadie Daan Breukhoven.
What was already whispered in the fan rumour circuit for some time became clear in May: Barry's house in Amsterdam was for sale and sold now. He will have a new house build at Curaçao, mainly for holidays and to settle there in the future. In the meantime he's looking for a smaller house near Amsterdam.
On May 20, 2006 the concert at the Graauw Rock festival had to be cancelled and postponed to June 05, 2006. This means Cesar did 4 gigs in a row then from June 02 untill June 05 on!
On May 22, 2006 Barry Hay presented the first copy of "Herrie in de keuken" book to chef cook Herman den Blijker at the tuinhuis of Restaurant Groot Paardenburg in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. Amongst the guests was also his close friend Henk Schiffmacher.
On June 03, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk joined with The Clarks on stage again during the annual Kaderock 2006 festival at Musicon in The Hague. Later on Mariska Veres was on stage as well to perform some Shocking blue hits like Venus and Never marry a railroad man.
During the Strijen 2006 concert on June 10, 2006 a filmcrew could be seen on stage and later on they filmed fans in the audience. The concert was very energetic but very loud as well as more shows the last year.
For the Tollwood Festival gig in Munich (Germany) on June 19, 2006 Golden Earring went to Germany by plane. This is done more often for foreign shows when Golden Earring played at a festival like the 1999 Luxembourg gig. The band played a slightly changed set due to the festival time limit. Albino moon was left out as wel as Johnny Make Believe. George Kooymans gave an interview in which was said he expected the release of a new album in January 2007. At least that is the intention. He also pointed out there might be another concert with an orchestra.
(Photo used with kind permission of Eva B. Louis\Music Mirror site)
On July 07, 2006 a female singer called Daize Shayne released a cd called "Live Your Dream" in Germany. This cd features another cover version of Radar Love. (Mascott label)
On July 08, 2006 Golden Earring performed in Beilen and this is the last show before the 2006 summer break. This completes a long serie of electric shows on which Bertus Borgers was playing along. It is unsure if he will join the band on stage after the summer break.
On August 09, 2006 Rinus Gerritsen became 60! It's great to see this musician is still on stage and entertaining us! His collegue Barry Hay became 58 on August 16, 2006.
For August 18-20 2006 Cesar planned another DrumDriedaagse at Musicon The Hague together with the Slagwerkkrant. He was there as a teacher himself. On August 19, 2006 Cesar joined in a session with participating students from the Drumdriedaagse. From September 2006 on Cesar will tour with his new theatre program "Slagdroom" in music stores and theatres, tour lasts untill April 2007... The dates are planned in between Golden Earring gig dates.
On August 23, 2006 the Dutch radio 2 broadcasted eight tracks from the 1989 Parkpop Festival concert during the Radio 2 Zomerfestival program. In the past already six tracks were broadcasted (When The Lady Smiles, Distant love, Weekend love, Long Blond Animal, Turn the world around and Can do that) but this time the songs Twilight Zone and Radar Love were broadcasted as well. (Missing tracks are Back home which opened the show and Too much woman (not enough girl)
On August 26, 2006 Barry Hay was special guest at Oranjerock in Katwijk where he performed together with the band Midnight Temptation several Golden Earring songs. The next day there was a concert of Barry Hay and the Barking Dogs at the Hillegersberg Jazzfestival.
Frank Carillo and his wife stayed two weeks over at George Kooymans residence at the end of August and first week of September 2006. During this period George Kooymans and Frank Carillo were seen twice in concert. The first gig was a try out concert at Zaal Roey in Rijkevorsel, Belgium on August 31. The second gig was on September 02, 2006 at Breda during the Rosie Lee Roots festival. For both shows Rinus Gerritsen played the acoustic bass guitar. On September 05, 2005 Frank attended the recordings for a radioshow called Crossroads at BRTO radio in Bergen op Zoom and played four songs solo and 7 with George Kooymans on stage as well.
On September 06, 2006 Rinus Gerritsen was seen in session because of 3 Jaar Café Paard van Troje at the Paard van Troje Den Haag. Amongst the other participants were Henk Koorn (Hallo Venray), Rob Bolland (Bolland & Bolland), Spike (Di-Rect), Jaap de Jonckheere (Urban Heroes\Boom boom Manchine), Sacha de Bruin, singer/guitarist Marcel Singor (Maxville), Claudia Sumeru (Bagga Bownz) and Ron Knoester (Billy The Kid). The session was organised and hosted by "Nachtburgemeester" Rene Bom.
Cesar Zuiderwijk started another theatre tour called "Slagdroom" which premiered on September 07, 2006 in Culemborg at the Muziek Metropool store. 300 visitors attended the show.
Tourlist Slagdroom Theatre show:
September 07, 2006 Premiere of the Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Culemborg - Muziek Metropool
September 08, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Heerenveen - Posthuistheater
September 13, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at St. Niklaas (Belgium) - Schouwburg (Organised by Key Music)
September 16, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Diest - Uilenspiegel theater (Organised by Adams Muziekcentrale)
September 17, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Ittervoort - Adams Drumworld, Drumworldfestival (afternoon show)
September 17, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Hoogeveen - De Tamboer
September 19, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Amsterdam - Melkweg (Organised by Dijkman Muziek)
September 23, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Breda - De Nieuwe Veste (Organised by Dijkmans Muziek)
September 24, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Rotterdam - Feedback store (15 hr) (Organised by Feedback)
September 25, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Alkmaar - De Vest (Organised by Dijkman Muziek)
September 27, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Eindhoven - Feedback store (Organised by Feedback)
Cesar Zuiderwijk was awarded with the Zildjian cymbals jubilee award at the Ittervoort Drumworld festival on September 17, 2006. More info and a few photo's can be seen at the News section on the official website. On September 18 Cesar was seen in the tv show 'De Wereld Draait Door' (Nederland 3 channel) Re-broadcasts were shown all night on Nederland 3.
The first gig after the summer vacation break took place on September 29, 2006 in Wassenaar at Sporthal de Schulpwei (Sold out). Usually this means a crew rehearsel for building the stage, lights and equipment. This time it's combined with a concert for about 1250 visitors. Cesar had a new drum kit on stage, a white one this time from the Pearl reference series. George had a new guitar rig on stage with a large Bogner amplifier and the old Koch amplifiers beside them again. Big tree blue sea was played for the first time after a very long absence in the setlist. The support act was the band Cool zero, which features long time Earring fan Alec Lokhoff on guitar. This band was asked by George Kooymans himself to do the support act after he heard their 2005 debute cd.
The second show after Summer 2006 vacation break was at Giessen at Sporthal de Jager on September 30, 2006. Special guest was Bertus Borgers on saxophone again and has same setlist as Wassenaar show one day earlier. Bertus Borgers will do more shows the upcoming months. On evenings he can't attend he will be replaced by The Hague saxophone player Boris van der Lek. Big tree blue sea was played again. The next electric show at Siddeburen (October 06, 2006) the song was skipped from the setlist again... The Siddeburen show was the first show the band played with Boris van der Lek.
Drummer Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform on September 30, 2006 at Van Genderen at the Voorstraat in Spijkenisse. From 13-17 hr he did play on the Fissler sponsored drumkit build up from pots and pans. Drummers could play along with Cesar and you could make your own photograph with Cesar.
Golden Earring performed on October 07, 2006 a private show for the Eneco "Sterk Werk" event in Amsterdam at the Docklands (Acoustic show)
Def Leppard is did release a special edition of Hysteria, the group’s best-selling album and one of the pre-eminent rock albums in music history. The release celebrated the album’s upcoming 20th anniversary with a two-CD Hysteria Deluxe Edition, set for release on October 24, 2006. This remastered edition contained a bonusdisc and amongst the bonustracks is Radar Love live performed by Def Leppard in a medley the medley titled "Rock Of Ages" (which includes parts of the classic rock anthems "Not Fade Away," "My Generation," "Radar Love," "Come Together" and "Whole Lotta Love") -- all recorded in concert in Tilburg, Holland in July 1987.
Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform with Percossa Percussion on October 28, 2006 to celebrate the re-opening of a shop called De porseleinkast at the Voorstraat in Katwijk aan Zee between 13 and 17 hr.
On November 08, 2006 at the acoustic concert in Alphen a/d Rijn at Theater Castellum the song A shout in the dark (from the The Hole album) was added to setlist and played live again since a very long time.
Golden Earring performed on November 10, 2006 a private acoustic show for over 2500 Fortis Visa Card holders event at the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. Actually this was the second booked show as the first one was planned for December 15, 2006 at the same venue.
On November 10, 2006 the long awaited Golden Earring Live in Ahoy 2006 dvd was released by Universal. The dvd package also holds a bonus cd with many (but not all) tracks from the concert. The first version of the DVD had some problems: two tracks didn't proceed and had to be skipped manually. Some weeks later a new version was in stores without the mentioned problem.
On November 11, 2006 Golden Earring performed live at the TROS MuziekCafé radio show hosted by Daniel Dekker on national Radio 2. The recording studio was Studio Plantage, Amsterdam. The setlist for this concert was: 01. Who do you love, 02. Smoking cigarettes, Interview Barry and Rinus, 03. Johnny Make Believe, 04. The devil made me do it, first DVD's Golden Earring live in Ahoy 2006 presented to the band by Henk Schiffmacher, 05. Albino moon (With Sidney Katz), 06. Paradise In Distress and the encore Twilight Zone (part) The interviews were hilaric and there was a good atmosphere in the audience.
Barry Hay did perform on November 17, 2006 at the Brouwhuis at Zoetermeer with his Barking Dogs.
On December 02, 2006 Golden Earring flew to Switserland by plane for a show at the Z7 Konzertfabrik. They were accompanied by saxophone player Boris van der Lek and their support act was the Swiss band The Force.

Drummer Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform on December 09, 2006 at the Ninaber van Eyben shop at the Hoogstraat in The Hague. From 12-16 hr he did play on the Fissler sponsored drumkit build up from pots and pans. Drummers could play along with Cesar and you could make your own photograph with Cesar.
On December 15, 2006 the band played another (acoustic) private show for Fortis Visa Cardholders at the Heineken Music Hall. This was the originally the first planned show but due to popular demand another Fortis private acoustic show was organised a month earlier. On December 16, 2006 the band played at the Heineken Music Hall an electric show with Cool zero for the third time that year as their support act. Guest player Boris van der Lek (saxophones) was given a red (Xmas color) saxophone by the band, thanking him for his efforts during several shows the last year.
Tourlist December update Slagdroom Theatre show:
December 20, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Rotterdam, Zuidplein theater.
December 22, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Den Haag, Theater aan het Spui.
December 23, 2006 Cesar Zuiderwijk Slagdroom theatre show at Bergeijk, Theater de Kattendans.
In 2006 Radar Love covers were released by:
2006 Belgium: Stan van Samang Ster actor performed Radar Love in a TV Show
2006 Europe: Daize Shayne - Naughty Girl (European CD-single release)
2006 Germany: Bosshoss - Rodeo Radio (CDsingle)
2006 Germany: Daize Shayne - Live your Dreams - (Worldwide cd release)
2006 Germany: ROR - Die Erste (Live CD)
2006 Germany: Orlando Pellegrini Guitar - German magazine instruction cd (cd)
2006 Germany: Slop - See Me (CD)
2006 Netherlands: Bicycle Showband Crescendo Kodo (CD)
2006 Netherlands: Mark Harman - Moscow Gig (CD)
2006 Netherlands: Mama Dikeb - Seniorenzang (Radar Love cover in Dutch Radioshow)
2006 Netherlands: No Message - NM (CD)
2006 Netherlands: One Two Trio - Alle remmen los! (Dutch Party Band)
2006 Netherlands: Jan Rietman Band - Live in Concert (cd)
2006 Netherlands: Bob Ross Explosion - Rock 'n' Roll Road Fever (Dutch Promo EP)
2006 Netherlands: Sjores Ambras Band - Tot donderdag (Dutch Marching Band)
2006 Netherlands: Verbeeck Concert organ - Victory on Tour Street Organ version (cd)
2006 UK: Jive Bunny - The Best of Disco in Town (3cd compilation box)
2006 UK: Demon 340 - Till the end of my Life (Punkrock version)
2006 UK: Do Lies of Smiles Radar Love (UK non-release)
2006 UK: Outhouse - Live at the Lantern (Live CD)
2006 UK: Rhythm CD Magazine (Premium CD)
2006 Worldwide: James Last - Best of the 70 Part.1 (dvd)
2006 Mike Tramp's White Lion - Bang Your Head Festival (dvd)
2006 USA: The Damnwells - Air Stereo (CD)
2006 USA: Def Leppard - Hysteria deluxe 2cd edition re-release (October 2006 release)
2006 USA: Hatchetmen - Loud & Live (Live CD)
2006 USA: Joey Holiday - The Truckin' Truth (Album release)
2007 The Theatre tour 2006 - 2007 will be continued in the Dutch theatres in 2007. Also several 2007 electric shows like Noordwijkerhout, Tilburg and Kerkrade are already on ticket sale! Golden Earring will also perform at Den Helder on "Bevrijdingsdag\May 05, 2007" at the Sporthal Quelderduyn during a new festival which has no name yet. Golden Earring asked the band Cool Zero again to be their support act for several of their 2007 shows.
In 2007 the recordings for a new cd will go on. It's expected the cd will be released in 2007. However no more details are known yet. Cesar Zuiderwijk continues his Slagdroom shows in 2007. On January 18, 2006 a gail with force ten struck the Netherlands (and whole Europe) which resulted in many traffic jams and closed highways. Due to the very bad weather many visitors but also Cesar Zuiderwijk had difficulties to reach the Schouwburg Tilburg for the Slagdroom show so it had to be cancelled. A new date will be set if possible and published here as soon as it's available. An extra Slagdroom show was booked for February 09, 2007 at the Theater aan het Spui, The Hague.
Golden Earring did perform their first acoustic show in 2007 on January 22, 2007 in Hoogeveen at De Tamboer (Acoustic show). The first electric show was in Kerkrade at the Rodahal on January 26, 2007.
Cesar Zuiderwijk was present at the West Week Tv program from TV West local tv station and talked about music and the West Top 500. He also announced a new cd will be released this year.
On January 27, 2007 Golden Earring received the Radio West Top 500 award at the Noordwijkerhout concert, celebrating their number 1 position of Radar Love voted by the readers. The award consisted of a "Golden Record". The TV West 500 was broadcasted during a week at this local radio\tv station. Golden Earring had 38 tracks in this top 500.
At the end of January it become known the band Cool Zero was asked to be the support act for several more shows in 2007. (Gigs like Kerkrade, Goes, Enschede, Zwolle eg)
In February 2007 the official site announced they got 2 new shirts in the merchandise shop. Both shirts carry a Sandra Hay design on it, they are the so called 'Snake' and the 'Sword' shirts named after the print on the shirts. Golden Earring also launched a website on the MSN myspaces site.
Golden Earring was booked to perform another Strijen open air concert on June 16, 2007. On the internet information was published Golden Earring would perform also on June 16, 2007 at Antwerpen - Sportpaleis but this was an error of the webpage which published the date.
Golden Earring did perform on the well known AJOC festival at Mijdrecht on May 27, 2007 again. The band has played there almost every year since 1991 according to the history on the AJOC website (16th time in 2007!) and is the band which was seen there most during all the festival years. Only due to the GE-sabbatical the band wasn't there in 2000. Support act will was Seven, an upcoming band from The Hague which released their debute cd last year.
Golden Earring drummer Cesar Zuiderwijk did a drum performance during the "huldiging" of ice skater Ireen Wust in her home town Goirle on March 17, 2007.
On March 18, 2007 George Kooymans did perform "Kom Van Dat Dak Af" together with Boudewijn de Groot and Peter Koelewijn at Royal Theatre Carré during the Radio 2 Gala van het Nederlandse Lied. George Kooymans performed the song "Ik veeg de straten aan met tranen" solo. Several other performers were Helmut Lotti, Bastiaan Ragas, Boudewijn de Groot, Bennie Jolink, Des'ray and Anita Meyer. Peter Koelewijn released a cd called "Peter Koelewijn - Mijn Mooiste Songs" soon afterwards with partial new work but also some older recorded songs. One of the older songs is track 17 "Het Heilig Vuur" which he recorded in 1992 for Arcade Records with George Kooymans, Cesar Zuiderwijk and Rinus Gerritsen at the Fendal Studio's. The track handles about good old rockers.

Cesar Zuiderwijk and Percossa Percussion feature on one song at The Armin van Buren live 2006 dvd "Armin Only". On the dvd an error is made at the end titles where George Kooymans is mentioned instead of Cesar Zuiderwijk. Peter Koelewijn decided to release a "new" album called "Mooiste liedjes" due to the media attention for the Radio 2 Gala where he was awarded for his musical achievements. The album features 3 new songs and several older ones like "Het Heilig vuur" from 1992 on which Rinus, Cesar and George as musicians can be heard!
The Belgium band "Lash" released a dance version of Golden Earrings song ‘When The Lady Smiles’ in March 2007 which became a hit in Belgium as it entered the hitparade at position 41. Lash releases from time to time dancable cover versions of wellknown hits. On their newest single four versions of the classic When The Lady Smiles are to be heard. The single will probably be released in Holland as well. Listen to previews at this website.\
The Oor magazine April, 2007 issue had a review of the Fonos release of George Kooymans solo album "Solo".
April 03, 2007 Golden Earring fan and Radar Love websitemaster Patrick Orriens now has completed a book about facts on Dutch Nederpop. The book itself is called 99 Nederlandse Muziek Facts, has a small introduction by George Kooymans in it and costs 10 euro ex postage costs. More information you find at the 99 facts book site.
On April 07, 2007 Radar Love was used for the popular SBS serie "Dancing with stars". MTV VJ Nikky performed her dancing act on Radar Love. The performance could be seen on the RTL4 site. A recent broadcasted episode of the American serie "Drive" on Fox TV featured Golden Earrings Radar Love song. The version used was the Nine pound hammer cover performance. The song Radar Love remains a popular tune for use in tv series and as a song cover as well. On this site many cover versions are published but the most up-to-date site for information abou this song is Patrick Orriens Radar Love website. We often echange information with each other.
On April 14, 2007 George Kooymans gave a solo performance at the Jeugdhuis Spiraal at his hometown Rijkevorsel. About 200 visitors saw a fine show at Jeugdhuis Spiraal in Rijkevorsel with a surprise setlist. The songs were sung by George unless otherwise indicated below. Here is the setlist:
14. Home Is In My Head (Jacki Lomax song, also on the Anouk album Lost Tracks, sung by female singer of the Eddy Maes band)
On April 21, 2007 Golden Earring performed another show in Zwolle at the IJsselhallen with support act Cool Zero. On April 20, 2007 George Kooymans was heard on national radio during the 'Leuk is anders' radioshow by DJ Dolf Jansen in a very small interview with a less serious content. George Kooymans complimented the new support act Cool zero in the broadcast and advised DJ Dolf Jansen to put on a record by the band! (which he didn't unfortunately). The interview was captured by a Golden Earring fan and now circulates amongst fans. Golden Earring's setlist at Zwolle was slightly changed according to information I have now. Skyscraper Hell Of A Town was the opener instead of Don't Stop The Show which was skipped and somewhere during the show Sleepwalkin' was added to the setlist and Bertus Borgers played along on this song also.
On April 29, 2007 Barry Hay did perform with the Barking Dogs at Groenlo - City Lido. Tickets costed 10 euro and the support act was Premium.
On April 30, 2007 cover band The Raspers released their new cd "25 years today" and you find a part of Radar Love in another song called It's all over now. Papa was a Rolling Stone is found in the mid section of Golden Earring's Twilight Zone. Third track by Golden Earring is Long Blond Animal. The cd itself costs 10 euro and is sold during concerts. Check out The Raspers website for more information.
In April 2007 Golden Earring started with a new Stage monitor engineer. Hans Bouma has been replaced by Marc Troch.
Golden Earring performed two private shows on May 11 and 12, 2007, The Hague at the Uithof for the HTM (The Hague public transport company).
Both Barry Hay and Cesar Zuiderwijk were ill during the Wijchen show on May 19, 2007. Cesar Zuiderwijk showed up only half an hour for the start of the show while Barry Hay had to go off stage several times to vomit fans reported. However the show was continued but 2 songs were omitted from the setlist (Sleepwalking and the decil made me do it). The soundcheck for the Wijchen show as done by the roadie from Cesar, Gabor. The next week two shows had to be cancelled as Barry Hay still was ill. (Neerpelt open Air on May 25, 2007 and Bathmen May 26, 2007 shows)
On May 30, 2007 fans noticed George was trying out a HOOK amplifier on stage. This amp is made by Leendert Haaksma (Anouk) fans reported and in use on stage since the Wijchen 2007 show. Of course fans are curious if the Bogner amplifier will be replaced which is in use since the Wassenaar show (September 2006) and maybe give Kooy's sound a bit more body... Another fan reported George is still busy doing some fine tuning with the setup on stage now. More information about the Bogner amplifiers here and here (+ great sound samples for different amplifier types).
On June 02, 2007 Golden Earring performed a 60 minute set at the Schwung 2007 festival at Roeselare (Belgium) today. Cesar Zuiderwijk performed about 20 minutes with The Clarks at Kaderock 2007 before leaving for the Roeselare concert (Belgium). (Songs When The Lady Smiles, Twilight Zone and Radar Love)
On June 10, 2007 Golden Earring performed for the Rockpalast Classic Rock night concert at the Paladium in Koln (Germany). During this 75 minute concert by Golden Earring tv-recordings were made. These were broadcasted on June 30, 2007 and re-broadcasted on July 07, 2007 at WDR Fernsehen. Fans described the performance as "".... it's really amazing ... the sound is smashing.... The performances of Rinus, Barry, George, Cesar and Bertus are outrageously .... They're all one with the music and their musicality is incredible with great camerawork and the lightning with the blue and clear white colours makes it real artistic and complete ... I'm impressed!" Some fans like the sound of the recording others find it bit to clear. However the recording spreaded rapidly on dvd amongst fans and they even suggested to make it an official release due to the good quality of performance and recording!
On June 15, 2007 the Space Shuttle STS117 crew's wakeup call came at 6:41 am MDT with the song "Radar Love" by Golden Earring, played for Mission Specialist Steve Swanson! The STS-117 crew is commanded by Marine Lt. Col. Frederick W. Sturckow. The mission's pilot is Air Force Col. Lee J. Archambault and the mission specialists are James F. Reilly II, retired Army Col. Patrick G. Forrester, Steven R. Swanson and Olivas. STS-117 will deliver the second starboard truss segment to the space station with the third set of U.S. solar arrays, batteries and associated equipment. Again NASA used Radar Love as it did earlier to wake up an Mars explorer vehicle...
On June 16, 2007 Golden Earring performed their last show before the summer break at Strijen. This show was special as the band performed an extra song called My Lips Are Sealed. This song is brand new and was performed for the very first time live. Fans are enthusiastic about this short rocksong, sung by both Barry and George. A news paper said in a review this would be the new single.... Let's see if this becomes true! The song was spread rapidly on the internet as it appeared only a day later on Youtube giving fans all over the world an opportunity to see and listen to the new song. Cesar Zuiderwijk performed earlier that day with the Clarks in Den Haag at the Melis Stoke park from 13.30 hr - 14.15 hr. Then he left for the Strijen concert.
On June 24, 2007 Barry Hay performed at the song Helter Skelter live during the Wormer Live festival. He was there on invitation of the organisation and said at forehand he wouldn't perform. It ended up he did the song Helter Skelter with one of the performing bands. Barry was brought to the festival in a big limousine and his daughter Bella was with him. It is said she also performed one ore more songs at the festival...
Barry Hay did perform at the "Nacht van de Soulmuziek" on June 28, 2007 at Paradiso. This event was sold out.
The tv broadcast for the recorded German Rockpalast night show on June 10, 2007 was shown on June 30, 2007 on WDR3 Fernsehen.
George Kooymans did perform with the Barking Dogs on July 22, 2007 at the Hillegersberg Jazzfestival, Rotterdam between 18.30 and 20.30 hr. Special guest was Barry Hay who joined the musicians on stage for the last two songs Twilight Zone and Radar Love.
On July 24, 2007 the sad news became known former Golden Earring manager Fred Haayen suddenly died on Sunday July 22, 2007 at The Hague's Bronovo hospital due to a severe bleeding in the brain. Haayen was important for Golden Earring as he started their professional career, was their manager for a long time and signed them for his 21 Records and Jaws labels to name a few things. Although bussiness wise there was some trouble over the years this man was important to the band... May he rest in peace. Our thoughts are with his family! Acccording to paper AD Den Haag Barry Hay, George Kooymans and Rinus Gerritsen attended the funeral of Freddy Haayen on July 26, 2007 at The Hague cemetary Nieuw Eykenduynen.
Cesar Zuiderwijk performed at the Breda Ballon Fiesta on August 03, 2007. Together with members of Percossa Percussion he did drum in an air balloon flying above Breda!
On August 06, 2007 Dutch Radio 2 (re)broadcasted the concert Golden Earring gave on June 25, 1989 at Parkpop 1989 Den Haag! The concert is part of the Zomerfestival broadcasts. Pity is this concert was broadcasted last year as well, some new material would have been fine.... Eight tracks broadcasted: When The Lady Smiles, Distant love, Weekend love, Long Blond Animal, Turn the world around, Can do that, Twilight Zone and Radar Love.
Barry Hay will present a weekly radio show at the Curaçao radio station Dolfijn. As many fans know Barry Hay bought a house at this island and will live both in Holland and Curaçao. During a visit last July the singer was asked to present a show on a weekly basis. Hay has agreed to this on condition the show is with rock music only. It is not known yet when the first broadcast will be.
Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform on August 10, 2007 at the Waterpop Festival at Wateringen. During the month August 2008 it became known Cesar will perform more Slagdroom shows so another theatre tour is being prepared for the season 2007-2008.
Cesar is one of the organisers again of the "Drum Driedaagse" being held at Musicon, The Hague. During these three days they always organise a session. This year it's on Saturday August 18, 2007 at Musicon. Starting time is 21 hr. and amongst the musicians are Cesar Zuiderwijk, Sacha de Bruin, Johan Witt (guitar), Martin van der Starre (Judas in Jesus Christ Super Star), Lino Vishnudatt (bass), Chiel (keyboards) and attending drummers from the DrumDrieDaagse. Entrance fee 5 euro.
During the Drum Driedaage the well known drummer Chuck Silverman will be present to teach his funk\latin style drumming. He is the author of several books like The Funkmasters - Drummers of James Brown and Afro-Caribbean Grooves. Chuck Silverman teaches at the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles. But apart from teaching at the DrumDriedaagse he will also give a drum clinic at the Rock Palace Music store, Den Haag on Friday August 17, 2007. Starting time of the clinic is 21 hr. and entrance fee is 5 euro.
On the 2007 DVD release by WC Experience "Live in Almkerk" a bonus feature shows the CD presentation at 013 where Cesar Zuiderwijk does a drum solo with band member Raymond de Graaf. DVD label number PINK 200737.
Cesar Zuiderwijks "Slagdroom" theatre tour will be continued into 2008! A lot of shows have been booked and new dates are set for:
August 21, 2007 Heeze - Galerie des Beaux Arts
September 14, 2007 Oldenzaal - Stadstheater de Bond ticket 18,50 euro (W)
October 24, 2007 Haarlem - Philharmonie (grote zaal) (W)
October 26, 2007 Dronten - De Meerpaal (W)
October 27, 2007 Krimpen aan de IJssel - O.C. De Tuyter
October 31, 2007 Almelo - Theaterhotel Almelo
November 01, 2007 Heerlen - Parkstad Limburg Theater (W)
January 08, 2008 Enschede - Twentse Schouwburg (kleine zaal) (W)
January 09, 2008 Alphen aan de Rijn - Theater Castellum (Variant zaal)
January 12, 2008 Goor - De Reggehof
February 09, 2008 Amstelveen - Schouwburg Amstelveen (grote zaal), ticket 18 euro, 17 euro (W)
February 10, 2008 Drachten - Schouwburg de Lawei (kleine zaal, afternoon show)
February 14, 2008 Rijssen - Parkgebouw (W)
February 15, 2008 Vlissingen - Het Arsenaal theater
February 16, 2008 Cuyk - Schouwburg
February 22, 2008 Gorinchem - De Nieuwe Doelen
February 23, 2008 Eindhoven - MC Frits Philips (Rabobank zaal)
April 04, 2008 Bodegraven - Het Evertshuis
April 05, 2008 Neede - Podium Neede (W)
April 10, 2008 Purmerend - Theater de Purmarijn (grote zaal)
April 11, 2008 Papendrecht - Theater de Willem
April 12, 2008 Nijverdal - ZINin Theater (W)
April 13, 2008 Heerhugowaard - Sociaal Cultureel Centrum De Schakel ticket 17,50 euro (W)
May 15, 2008 Culemborg - Muziek Metropool (W)
May 16, 2008 Den Haag - Theater Diligentia, ticket 19 euro (W)
May 17, 2008 Den Haag - Theater Diligentia, ticket 19 euro (W)
May 18, 2008 Leiden - Leidse Schouwburg
On September 21, 2007 Golden Earring did resume their concert tour in Berkel en Rodenrijs at Sporthal Oostmeer. This was the first electric show after their 2007 Summer break. Rinus Gerritsen performed wearing sun glasses because he had a cataract eye surgery recently. He will wear them as long as necessary. Their support act Cool zero is asked to do several more support shows again (Eindhoven, Fijnaart, Steenwijk) At the first acoustic concert after the Summerbreak there was also a setlist change. At Golden Earrings acoustic show on September 25, 2007 at Capelle a\d IJssel the songs Weekend love and Vanilla Queen (with Rinus on piano) were added to the setlist. Guitar tech Sidney Katz played along on acoustic slide guitar at Weekend love. The songs Albino moon and Lost and found were omitted. This was the same at the Vlaardingen shows a week later.
On September 28, 2007 was published Cesar Zuiderwijk won the "The Hague cultuur prize 2007". This prize is awarded every two years to someone who is an ambassador for the cultural life in The Hague. The prize was earlier awarded to choreograph Jiri Kylian, cabaretier Paul van Vliet and Auke de Vries. The prize consists of an sculpture and 25.000 euro cash! Congratulations Cesar!
Golden Earring changed it's electric setlist again at the Steenwijk show on October 06, 2007. Watcha gonna do (when the levee breaks) and Future were omitted and replaced by Candy's going bad, Leather and Vanilla Queen. Compared to the previous electric show this means there was one song extra in the final total of songs. During the soundcheck at least Vanilla Queen and Candy's going bad were rehearsed. Special guest today was Boris van der Lek.
In October 2007 a book about the legendary drum brand Westend from the Hague was released called The Westend Story. Named after the street the music shop van Bram de Hooge was located untill 1973: Westeinde. Cesar Zuiderwijk has used at least two large bass drums from the Westend factory. Jaap Eggermont and Sieb Warner also had Westend drumkits. About 300-400 drum kits were build, all pre-ordered for. The 44-page book costs 8,95 euro ex postage costs but can also be bought direct from the authors (9,95 euro). ISBN 978-90-9022365-0, format 21 x 21 cm, 44 pages, full colour, authors Andy Portasse\Rob van der Werf.
Link here (In Dutch). Mail for Westend book info. to one of the authors (Rob van der Werf) and please read the article mentioned below! Sieb Warner also performed on the Westend Drums and as first drummer Freddie van der Hilst also had Westend drums we now know all (The) Golden Earring(s) drummers did perform on these famous drum kits!

Radar Love was featured on the CW's show Reaper on November 06, 2007 at Episode 7: "Love, Bullets, and Blacktop". Reaper is a a new USA TV serie.
On November 22, 2007 Cesar Zuiderwijk attended a poetry workshop called Poezie op Pootjes from the R.G. Ruijs Stichting in Den Haag. The event started early on 07.30 hr with a breakfast\workshop and many famous people from The Hague like Cesar Zuiderwijk, Jetta Klijnsma, Sjaak Bral, Agnes Kamstra, Henk Bres, Paula Udondek, Pierre Heijnen, Marnix Rueb and Marcel Verreck came to Floow restaurant at het Plein to write their poems. With the luxuary of eggs, orange juice, small bread and especially coffee all celebrities wrote their poem under supervision of The Hague city poet Harry Zevenbergen and Diann van Faassen. AD TV and TV West have online items about this: AD tv item and TV West item. Cesar's poem will be online soon at Poezie op Pootjes site Info thanks to Gerard van den IJsssel\Haags PopPodium site.
Cesar Zuiderwijk was present at a show of "Dit was het nieuws". Info can be found at TROS website. Broadcast was on November 24, 2007 On Nederland 1, 21.25 hr. Cesar had many of his stick gadgets with him and the show was hilarious. Recordings for the show were made at Angel Studio in Amsterdam on November 23, 2007. Tickets costed 10 euro each. The re-broadcast was on Monday November 26, 2007 at Nederland 3, 23.20 hr.
Fans reported Golden Earring performed The Road Swallowed Her Name at their Wateringen show on November 24, 2007. Fans heard the band rehearse the song during the soundcheck, The Road Swallowed Her Name was also performed live for the first time this year as an extra song at this show. Fans also mentioned poor sound at this concert due to beer thrown into the sound mixer. Rinus performed on a new bass guitar at this show (3 or 4 songs like Future and My Lips Are Sealed). He told fans backstage he bought an old body on the internet in the USA and a Dutch company made a new neck for it. The guitar looked (and sounded) great!
On November 27, 2007 Golden Earring performed at Terneuzen's Scheldetheater a new song called Where have you been for the first time acoustic live. On this song Sidney Katz played along. The song was performed in the second part of the show after Weekend Love and Bombay on which songs Sidney Katz also performs. As probably known to most of you Sidney Katz is George Kooymans guitar technician on stage. Together with My Lips Are Sealed which is now on the electric setlist this are two songs which will probably appear on the new Golden Earring album.
On December 02, 2007 Rinus Gerritsen attended the "Aftermath" book presentation and received the first copy of the book out of the hands of Aad Spanjaard. Afterwards I had an interesting conversation with Earring fan Jan Sander and Rinus Gerritsen. Rinus spoke frankly about several things and we especially heard details about the new bass guitar he bought in the USA for about hundred dollars. The neck for it was made by the firm from Vlaardingen Rinus has done bussiness with before. Rinus loves the sound of the guitar and uses it now for Future and My lips are sealed. Rinus also mentioned a different title for the recently performed song Where Have You Been. He mentioned the name "The Last Five Years". So it was a nice talk and Rinus had to sign a lot of books as well. The author Aad Spanjaard mentioned Rinus as a quiet and nice person he knew for a long time. In the book are several photo's from Golden Earring, some of them i've never seen.
On December 13, 2007 Cesar Zuiderwijk has performed as a mystery guest for Werkinstelling Hamaland at City Lido, Groenlo. On December 14, 2007 Golden Earring did perform at a private show in Zoetermeer at De Boerderij for BAM Groep company. (Acoustic show)
At Golden Earrings show on December 15, 2007 in Amsterdam at Heineken Music Hall the song (Where Have You Been) The Last Five Years was performed electric live for the first time. This song which is played several times now during acoustic shows was originally called Where Have You been, but Rinus now thinks this songs should have a strong title and suggested Stratosphere as a new (third version) title. A new promising band from the Hague called "F" was the support act for this show.
Cesar was present at the "Open Dag" at Waterfront Rotterdam on November 03, 2007 where his Rotterdam branch of Music Station is located.
In 2007 Radar Love covers were released by:
2007 Germany: Arrezt - Don't Run (CD)
2007 Germany: Steve Fister Band - Live Bullets (Live CD)
2007 Germany: Halber Liter - Live im Route 66 (Live CD)
2007 Germany: Seyffert Music - Let's Rock (3CD)
2007 Germany: Zydeco Playboys - Melting Pot Collection (CD)
2007 Netherlands: Bloody Buccaneers - EP Promo release (CD)
2007 Netherlands: Dancing with the Stars Orkest (TV show recording)
2007 Netherlands: Di-rect - Live at the TMF Awards broadcast (TV)
2007 Netherlands: Do The Undo - Do The Undo (CD)
2007 Netherlands: The Raspers - 25 years Today (CD)
2007 Netherlands: The Seatsniffers - Live at de Garage (Dutch TV show band)
2007 USA: Tramp's White Lion - Extended Versions (Live CD)
2007 USA: White Lion - Definitive Rock Collection (Best Of CD)
More to be added soon!
In 2007 a Long Blond Animal cover was released by:
2007 Netherlands: The Raspers - 25 Years Today (CD)
In 2007 a Twilight Zone cover was released by:
2007 Netherlands: The Raspers - 25 Years Today (CD)
2007 USA: Clint Crisher - Terrific Distraction (CD)

In 2007 a When The Lady Smiles cover was released by:
2007 Belgium Lash - When The Lady Smiles (4 versions incl. DJK mix) (CDS)
2008 - On February 05, 2008 the band did perform at the Ahoy Rotterdam again for the eigth time in their career. The theatre tour 2007-2008 will last untill May 07, 2008. As Barry Hay lives partially at Curaçao now (since August 2007) Golden Earring shows will be scheduled in a month on - month off scheme in the second part of the next season (August 2008 - 2009).
The electric and acoustic shows for the first part of 2009 are now in the Unofficial Golden Earring Tourdates listing on this website.
On January 03, 2008 Dolfijn FM Curaçao broadcasted part 8 of their radio show Oorverblindend with Barry Hay. (Show theme: Time, seconds, minutes, days, years and clocks)
Cesar Zuiderwijk gave several drum workshops for advanced and starting drummers on January 04, 05, 06 - 2008 at his Music Station Prinsestraat, Den Haag.
During the January 05, 2008 episode of the Dutch Idols 2008 competition contestant 'Bas' covered Radar Love.
Found a download for Golden Earring's Heineken Music Hall show 2007 on a Brazilian mp3 site on the Internet. Very fine artwork! (But with an error as When The Levee Breaks was omitted in the text at first...)
On Dutch Radio 2 you could hear in January from time to time a radio promo by Rinus Gerritsen who told listeners when they heard a Golden Earring record on the radio they could win tickets for Golden Earring's Ahoy 2008 show on February 05, 2008
Virgil Donati stopped by at The Hagues Rockpalace after he finished his European clinics tour. Rock Palace made a photo of him together with Cesar Zuiderwijk. The third person on the left is Dennis van Hoorn, drum teacher at Music Station and Rock Palace shop employee. Exact date to be researched.
On January 10, 2008 Dolfijn FM Curaçao broadcasted part 9 of their radio show Oorverblindend with Barry Hay.
You could see Cesar Zuiderwijk on RTV West at the program Haagse Iconen. This program was first broadcasted on January 29, 2008.
On January 29, 2008 Golden Earring performed on Dutch TV Nederland 1 at the Pauw en Witteman tv-show. The song Stratosphere was performed acoustic live and part of When The Lady Smiles. This tv show was repeated in the night.
On January 30, 2008 all four Golden Earring members placed a hand in concrete for the Hoogeveense Walk of Veen. Based on the Walk Of Fame or Sony's Star Boulevard the band now has their own tile in Hoogeveen. The band members cooperated for this at the foyer of the Tamboer theatre in the afternoon. A review of this ceremony and a picture are to be found in the Telegraaf of January 31, 2008. Picture scan at Jan Karstens site!
On February 05, 2008 Golden Earring did perform at the Rotterdam Ahoy again for the 8th time in their career and the concert was sold out! One and Only productions had the band signed and they also organise the "Vrienden van Amstel concert" which has a large stage and video wall. These features were also used at the Golden Earring concert again just like at the Ahoy 2006 concert (which was captured on film and released as the "Golden Earring Live in Ahoy 2006" dvd) Special guests this time were Bertus Borgers and Robert Jan Stips on keyboards. The band performed a fine version of Fighting Windmills live (with Robert Jan Stips). Sidney Katz is heard on more songs than ever and makes a nice addition to George with his guitar sound with slide in Bombay for example! Cesar Zuiderwijk had a new stand behind him with two double bass drums in it which are in use from the Ahoy concert on. The support act F didn't bring what it should bring in my opinion. I don't think a rapper and his band is what Golden Earring fans would like to hear as an opener for the band. It just doesn't fit the musical taste of many Golden Earring fans in my opinion.

On March 08, 2008 Cesar Zuiderwijk took part in the "Tijdreizen race" which was held in The Hague. 3 contestants amongst Cesar Zuiderwijk each travelled from Leidschendam to The Hague. Cesar used the public transport, Dennis Weening (MTV show host) by bike and Kirsten Dissel (actress\TV West show host) by car. The purpose was to find out which is the fastest way to travel at a certain time. This can be found out at the Tijdreizen site. The race was won by Dennis Weening on bike, Cesar followed after five minutes.
When The Lady Smiles has been rewarded by the listeners of Dutch music station Radio Veronica and chosen to be the best song of the 80's! This news was already mentioned on the official Golden Earring website but was officially announced on March 26, 2008 by Veronica. Each band member received a Radio Veronica Eighties Top 880 award out of the hands of Radio Veronica-DJ Erwin Peters. The presentation took place after the soundcheck of the Milsbeek gig on March 22, 2008.
Check out a YouTube movie from the Top 80's 880 Award presentation to Golden Earring.
The Hague based coverband The Clarks gave several concerts on Curaçao in March. During one of these shows on March 29, 2008 Barry Hay (who lives on Curaçao since 2007) played along! From that gig photo's excist and can be seen on the website
On April 11, 2008 Rinus Gerritsen and his daughter Natousch performed a version of Radar Love together! The performance was added on Youtube on April 13, 2008 and has the performance of the Golden Earring classic Radar Love at the 'Dalton Voorburg' popular Open Podium on April 11, 2008. The members of the "band" who performed the song were: Natousch Gerritsen - Vocals, Rinus Gerritsen - Bass, Bram van den Brekel - Guitar and Max Wellenstein - Drums.
On April 16, 2008 4 Golden Records from the late former Golden Earring manager Freddy Haayen were auctioned at Rotterdam. The final bid prices were: Golden Record NEWS 2200 euro, Golden Record Complete Singles Collection 950 euro, Golden Record The Naked Truth 750 euro and Golden Record Face It 650 euro. Prices excluded auction costs.
Around this time George Kooymans was seen performing with another guitar instead of his BC Rich guitar. This guitar has been in use since the early Eighties and bought at Gerritsen Music Store in The Hague. The guitar remained in use for many, many years. Only once George was not satisfied with the monitor sound on stage and threw the guitar in anger to the monitor engineer in a moment of "temporary madness". He instantly regretted this move as the guitar neck broke and he to be repaired. This was done at the Vox Humana guitar shop in Vlaardingen. New guitars are tried out now. George has over 50 guitars as could be read in a small interview in Dinand Magazine, a one time release magazine, with guest director Dinand Woesthof (Kane).
On April 19, 2008 I found info on the internet for one Golden Earring UK 2009 show: March 13, 2009 at The Ipswich Regent. Tickets on sale now: 28, 5 UK pounds and 2,5 fee costs.
The other show George Kooymanswill be at Shepherd's Bush Empire, London on March 14, 2009! Ticket sale has started.
Support act for the Golden Earring Mijdrecht show at AJOC Festival on May 11, 2008 was Leaf...
Cesar Zuiderwijk received the Den Haag Cultuur prijs 2007 on May 16, 2008 at Theater Diligentia at 14 hr out of the hands of wethouder Jetta Kleinsma. Many artists witnessed the event. Later that evening he performed a Slagdroom show at the same theatre. In the evening the NOVA tv program (Nederland 2) had an item about Cesar Zuiderwijk and the given Cultuur prijs Den Haag 2007. Also on May 17 Cesar Zuiderwijk performed at the same venue a Slagdroom show.
Support act for the Golden Earring show at Wessem Havenfeesten on June 07, 2008 was Ashtone... Earlier that day CesarZuiderwijk performed with the Clarks at Kaderock 2008, The Hague.
The German band Discipline has recorded a cover version of Golden Earring's Going To The Run. It is released on 2CD and 2LP with the titel 'Old Pride, new Glory' on June 13, 2008.
Dutch band Di-rect did close their acoustic theatre show performances with a cover of Radar Love. This cover version is now recorded acoustic live and released on the cd and dvd "Di-rect Live and Acoustic"
On June 14, 2008 Golden Earring did perform at Strijen again. Here is the actual poster for that concert which is placed in shops and venues to promote the gig. Support act The Moondogs.
On June 21, 2008 Golden Earring did perform at the Indian Summer festival amongst others like Anouk.
Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform a 45 minute show at the Kaschba event on June 22, 2008 at The Hague at Wijkpark Transvaal! He performed together with Percossa Percussion which whom he performed together during the "Alle Gekheid Met Een Stokje" theatre tour in 2000 also.
Record Company Blue Note has contacted Barry Hay so he mentioned in his radioshow "Oorverblindend". Barry Hay flew one day after the Pinkpop Classic gig to America to choose songs for an album which he will sing with a Big Band (Metropole Orchestra). The album was announced to be recorded from June 22 - 25 (but probably some earlier) and on September 04, 2008 Barry Hay will perform together with the Metropole Orchestra at Paradiso, Amsterdam!
Cesar Zuiderwijk performed at the Popweekend event in Alkmaar on July 04, 2008. More info to be added.
Cesar Zuiderwijk was organiser and host for the 2008 Drumdriedaagse at Musicon, The Hague again on August 15, 16 and 17, 2008.
August 17, 2008 -
Today I visited with my wife the opening of the Radar Love 35 years exposition at the
Rock Art Museum, Hoek van Holland. Truly a great exposition and worthwile going to. Here is a small impression of this afternoon, check out the photo's. Golden Earring guitarist George Kooymans came by and took the time to check out the exhibition with Patrick Orriens and Jaap Schut (organisers of the exposition). Many people attended the opening and I want to thank both Jaap and Jacqueline Schut for their hospitality and kindness to send me an invitation. Amongst the visitors were many Golden Earring fans like Aart van Grootheest, Ina Nieboer, Berry Albers and husband, Ineke, Jac and Annie, Amy, Sander van den Berg and Nico Hamerslag (Golden Earring Museum) with his wife. Also many artists were there and amongst them were Joop Roelofs and Evert Nieuwstede. I also saw reporter Gerard van den IJssel of the Haags Poppodium. Special were the many videoshots to be seen on many screens with nice Radar Love material like commercials, cartoons and live recordings. Respect to Rob von Romer for all the fantastic work!
George Kooymans did perform with the Barking Dogs again at the Hillegersberg Jazzfestival 2008 in Rotterdam on August 31, 2008. Special guest on stage was Frank Carillo who performed many songs live including several of his own.
On September 04, 2008 Barry Hay did perform live with the Metropole Orchestra at Paradiso, Amsterdam. After show a ten minute backstage interview was made by Marc Stakenburg for Radio 2. Radio, tv and dvd recordings were made, another show was given at the TROS Muziekcafé radio show on September 13, 2008. Some time later Barry and the orchestra were to be heard at the Evers Staat Op Radioshow as well. (September 18, 2008) Somewhere during this weeks Barry Hay broke a toe.
Skyscraper Hell was omitted from the setlist at Hoogwoud show in Sporthal de Weijver on September 20, 2008. George was seen with a big bruise on his forehead and a shortened show was performed. : only 1,5 hour, instead of the usual 100 minutes. (Reason is unknown)
Cesar Zuiderwijk performed with Percossa Percussion on September 27, 2008 at the Frederik Hendriklaan, Den Haag. 4 short (15 minute) sessions were given at 12, 13, 14 and 15:00 hr. Cesar Zuiderwijk has performed on October 04, 2008 in London with Percossa Percussion as well at the famous Harrods department store where they performed the well known kitchen act for Fissler pans. The Harrods website mentioned: Fissler steel band: 4th October - 11:00 , Home Electrical, second floor. The Dutch percussion group Percossa are in Harrods performing their legendary Fissler steel band performance, where the five players smash and bash their way around the kitchen with the most amazing culinary crescendo.
On October 01, 2008 Cesar Zuiderwijk was present at the opening manifestation of the The Hague Hubertus tunnel. He performed on drums during the piece "Doorgang" which was especially written for the opening ceremony of the tunnel.
October 2008 another sampler release came onto the market called 50 years Nederpop (Universal label). The Golden Earrings is present on it with songs from the early years. Another worthless attempt to earn money with a sampler with lousy artwork.
October 2008 another Dong-Dong-Di-ki-Di-gi-Dong cover version was released by Happy Elf with vocals by Nina. The style is electropop and Happy Elf is the nickname for a musician who wa sonce drummer in the Mariska Veres Jazzquartet. 4 tracks are released on the EP Dong-Dong-Di-ki-Di-gi-Dong. Beside the title track you can hear Rock in the Sea (original Shocking Blue) and Wild and Exciting and Storm and Thunder (by Earth and Fire). (The songs can be downloaded at iTunes and
Planned for release on October 24, 2008 is a 2cd on the Rodeo label called Golden Earring - The Long Versions with both studio and live tracks. Of course all tracks are available on regular releases but some versions were only released on 12inches so at least some of the songs are unique on this sampler if you have only cd's in your collection.
In October 2008 an acetate single was offered on sale at the Dutch auction site Marktplaats. The ad: "Zeer unieke demo single van de Golden Earrings opgenomen eind 1966 of begin 1967. Title: Baby don't make me nervous. In April 1967 op b-kant van lp Winter Harvest verschenen. Dit is nog een rauwe versie op de lp is alles wat genuanceerder gespeeld.
Dit is dus een echte demo, geen promo of dj copy. Single heeft alleen een a-kant en is opgenomen in Geluids Technisch Bureau in Den Haag.
Op de single zit alleen een label met daarop 45 toeren en er staat geen tekst op alleen van het logo van GTB. Dit nummer is nooit commercieel op single uitgebracht.
Dit nummer is geschreven door M. Gerritse en G. Kooymans, gezongen door George Kooymans aangevuld door Frans Krassenburg. Onmiskenbaar begin jaren Golden Earrings. Staat vinyl ex and cover mint-ex." Prices are already up to 750 euro.
November 17, 2008 - Cesar Zuiderwijk was present this week at the book presentation of the new version of ut Groen Geile Boekie which explains traditional The Hague language. Some Golden Earring videos as well as a fine Radar Love song battle between Golden Earring and Ludacris and The Beasty Boys can be found on the Ik lul Haags website. Here you also find some very hilarious speech lessons for learning "Haags". Check them out and buy the book! It's a great gift!
November 21, 2008 - Barry Hay was seen in last nights RTL Boulevard program and talking by phone about their Cannes show earlier this month in front of IT personnel and amongst them was Dutch Prince Bernhard jr. Barry Hay admitted ashamed he named this prince Maurits persistantly. (But that was his brother's name....) You can review this program at RTL4 site here.
November 25, 2008 - I was informed a one track promo cdsingle of Barry Hay's "Old Town" excists. It is released on the Blue Note label in 2008. There is also a promo cdsingle of "Wall's Come Tumbling Down" These singles are probably for promotion only and there won't be any single release from the album....
Updated Tour schedule for Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show:
September 27, 2008 Zwolle - Schouwburg Odeon Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
October 11, 2008 Bergen op Zoom - Schouwburg de Maagd Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
November 05, 2008 Vlaardingen - Stadsgehoorzaal Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
November 06, 2008 Culemborg - Muziek Metropool Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
November 16, 2008 Naaldwijk - Westland Theater de Naald Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
February 11, 2009 Nieuwegein - Theater de Kom Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
February 14, 2009 Zoetermeer - Stadstheater Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
March 26, 2009 Harderwijk - Theater Harderwijk Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
March 28, 2009 Zevenaar - Het Musiater Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
March 29, 2009 Schiedam - Theater aan de Schie Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
April 04, 2009 Oirschot - SCC De Enck Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
April 05, 2009 Oosterhout - Theater de Bussel Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
May 07, 2009 Venray - Schouwburg Venray Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
May 08, 2009 Ede - De Reehorst Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
May 09, 2009 Winterswijk - Theater de Storm Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
May 16, 2009 Amsterdam - De Meervaart Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
May 17, 2009 Nijmegen Lindenberg Theater - Lindenbergzaal Cesar Zuiderwijk solo Slagdroom theatre show
On December 18, 2008 Cesar Zuiderwijk performed a 45 minute private show for OCW Den Haag personnel during their annual Christmas celebration at theatre Diligentia.
December 21, 2008 - Here are the setlists for the Frans Krassenburg concert which took place at Musicon, The Hague on December 20, 2008.
These 2 setlists are exclusively brought to you by the Golden Earring Record Research website! More info about this event coming up soon here...

A fine cover version of "Please Go" by the Frits Philips Band can be found at the The Frits Philips Band website.
In 2008 Radar Love covers were released by:
2008 Netherlands: Contestant Bas covered Radar Love in the 2008 Dutch Idols version (TV)
2008 Netherlands: Di-Rect - Live & Acoustic (2CD\DVD)
2008 UK: DJ - Mastermix Rock (CD)
2008 UK: Thunder - Rock City 8 (CD)
2008 UK: Thunder - The Xmas Show 2007 (Limited edition CD)
2008 Worldwide: Ministry - Cover Up (US & Europe promo CD)
In 2008 a Dong-Dong-Di-ki-Di-gi-Dong cover was released by:
2008 Netherlands: Happy Elf with vocals by Nina. (Download at iTunes and
In 2008 a Going To The Run cover was released by:
2008 Germany: Discipline - Old Pride, new Glory (2CD & 2LP, release June 13, 2008)
In 2008 a I Am A Fool cover was released by:
2008 Netherlands: Julia P - Making Up For Lost Time (CD)
In 2008 a Johnny Make Believe cover was released by:
2008 Netherlands: Barry Hay & Metropole Orchestra - Big Band Theory (CD, release September 05, 2008 Blue Note Label)

2009 - On January 10, 2009 George Kooymans performed with the Barking Dogs at City Lido in Groenlo.
The Barry Hay DVD with the Metropole Orchestra was released on January 16, 2009 (instead of the initial November 24, 2008 date). The dvd was postponed twice but has been release now finally. Little bit strange is that the last 4 tracks of the show are presented as "extra" on the disc....

Support act for Golden Earring's Zwolle gig on March 07, 2009 was Nova Borgers. She released her debut album called "Same As Never Before" in 2008 which contains songs written by her father Bertus Borgers. I recommend this album which was produced at Ocki Klootwijks Rocktown studio and contains very fine songs. Great Hammond organ, fine vocals by Nova and great musicians!
For 2009 two UK concerts were announced and presales have started now! These concerts are actually the first ones after a 32 year absence in the UK! UK Fans are delighted the band returns to the UK after so long and already had given up seeing the band once more in their homeland. Show dates are set for March 13, 2009 at The Ipswich Regent - Ipswich and Shepherds Bush Empire - London on March 14, 2009.

The next message was found on the Martin Turner's Wishbone Ash website: "MTWA to appear as special guests to Golden Earring Hot on the heels of the critically and commercially successful Classic Legends of Rock tour Martin Turner's Wishbone Ash has been invited to appear as special guests of Dutch rock legends Golden Earring for two major UK theatre concerts during March 2009.
These shows promise to be high profile events, marking Earring's first UK live appearances in thirty years with their classic line-up still intact and Martin considers it a privilege to be asked to appear. As with the Classic Legends tour, these shows are certain to expose MTWA to the wider rock audience and are already attracting major interest from within the industry.
Golden Earring with special guests Martin Turner's Wishbone Ash play Ipswich Regent Theatre on 13 March 2009 and London Shepherd's Bush Empire on 14 March 2009.

One week later Golden Earring also performed abroad in Germany again on March 21, 2009 at the Hamburg Color Line Arena during the first Springtime Rockfestival.
On March 27, 2009 female singer Rachel (former K-otic band) sang a Radar Love cover version in the X-factor program on RTL4 tv (episode 11). Watch the the tv broadcast online. Rachels performance made me think of the Centerfold cover but it's a great version!
On April 11, 2009 Cesar Zuiderwijk and Barry Hay performed together with the Clarks on Curaçao at Mansion Arrarat. Golden Earring sound engineer Arjen was also there to do the stage monitors. During the soundcheck songs like She Flies On Strange Wings and Beds Are Burning were performed.
On May 10, 2009 Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform with The Clarks again at The Hague - Theater Concordia, Cesar probably will be at Musicon as well (open day). Also on June 06, 2009 Cesar and The Clarks perform a set at Kaderock 2009 before Cesar leaves for the Golden Earring Strijen concert on the same day!
Support act for Golden Earring's Strijen 2009 gig is The [New] Shining. This gig is mentioned on their website. The [new] shining is an ambitious 3-piece heavy rock band, set up in the summer of 2006. They have their debut album out since April 2008 and what I hear on their (fine looking!) website sounds good. (Single Temptation) Probably a good choice for a support act again. Pretty heavy but melodic as well.... You can even listen to their debut album online! A fine change for the well known Moondogs who were there for several years....
The [New] Shining’s music is all about: Energy and emotion, a wall of sound, drive and haunting melodies. Harmonious vocals set in a background of melancholy and aggression, catchy chorus lines. These are the key elements of TNS’s music. The [New] Shining originates from former 5-piece bands Lost Serenity ('96-'99), CHAIN ('00-'01) and the 4-piece band Dinos4Dinner (`02-`06). In 2002, after having tried innumerable singers and many musical escapades, lead-guitarist “Nax” steps up to take on the lead-vocals. Bass-guitarist “R” feels he can’t stay behind and takes care of the backing-vocals as of this moment. Then when the rhythm-guitarist decides to quit the band, it’s quickly decided to continue as a threesome, under the new band name: “The [New] Shining”. This takes place in the scorching hot summer of 2006 during the recording of TNS’s debut CD “Supernatural Showdown” at the SyCo Studios.
Despite the “necessary” setback, the band keeps on going as passionate as ever and delivers a large amount of tracks. Partly because of this, T[N]S caught the attention of the prestigious Chrysalis (of Velvet Revolver, Skunk Anansie, also David Bowie, Pink Floyd among others) and signed a world-wide publishing-deal.
Recently T[N]S finished its brand-new debut album “Supernatural Showdown” mixed by top-producer Oscar Holleman (of Within Temptation among many others). January 2008 T[N]S signs a record-deal with FLOW Records and a management- and bookings deal with White Mountain Management (known from Moke, Kraak en Smaak and many others). April 18th 2008 their debut CD “Supernatural Showdown” is released, along with the release of their first single “Temptation” and “Temptation” video clip.
T[N]S’s track “Temptation”, from “Supernatural Showdown”, is now frequently played on 3FM, National Radio! All songs of The [New] Shining are being written in a “live” situation. Therefore it's obvious their music is best heard & seen on stage as it provides an overwhelming and spectacular show!
On August 29, 2009 I and many other Golden Earring fans as well as other interested persons enjoyed a great Frank Carillo and the Bandoleros show at Razzoo in Uden. Special guest was George Kooymans for this show and in the second part of the show Frank and George performed several songs together. One of the songs was called A Blind Love and written by Bandoleros band member Eddie Seville (drums). Frank Carillo revealed the name of the upcoming Carillo\Kooymans album which is named On Location and due to be released in January 2010! The Bandoleros performed on equipment lent by Golden Earring members Cesar Zuiderwijk (drums) and Rinus Gerritsen (stand up bass) A better review will be published soon as I will go to the Hillegersberg Jazzfestival soon to see both George Kooymans and Frank Carillo perform again!

(All photo's copyright Casper Roos\Golden Earring Record Research Website)
On August 30, 2009 George Kooymans performed with the Barking Dogs at the Hillegersberg Jazz Festival in Rotterdam. George Kooymans also performed three songs with his friend Frank Carillo and his Bandoleros who performed as well during this festival. George was heard on the tracks A Blind Love, Across The River and On Location. These songs will be on the 2010 cd release "On Location" by Frank Carillo and George Kooymans (Universal Records)
September 08, 2009 - Today Golden Earring resumed with a concert in Waalwijk - Theater de Leest. This is the first show after the 2009 summer break (Acoustic show). During all shows new merchandise will be sold including a sweat jacket. Information about this was sent by newsletter from the official site. Check out the new design panther t-shirt here. The new merchandise won't be sold otherwise.... Next Golden Earring show tomorrow in Doetinchem - Schouwburg Amphion (Acoustic show)
Golden Earring's support act for the Strijen 2009 show in June now has been asked to be the new regular Golden Earring support act for their upcoming Autumn shows! This band made a very good impression on me and many other Golden Earring fans! A good choice if you ask me....
Upcoming shows with The New Shining have been confirmed:
Vrijdag 11 september 2009 Arnhem - Rijnhal
Zaterdag 17 oktober 2009 Goes - Zeelandhallen
Vrijdag 27 november 2009 Tilburg - 013
Zaterdag 28 november 2009 Wateringen - Velo Sporthal
Zaterdag 12 december 2009 Amsterdam-ZO - Heineken Music Hall
Zaterdag 19 december 2009 Kerkrade - Rodahal
October 17, 2009 - Rinus Gerritsen attended the TV program Draait Door last night.
October 31, 2009 - Today's Golden Earring show in Oud-Gastel - Het Veerhuis, support act Frontaal. BN\De Stem Newspaper article about this show.
November 04, 2009 - Cesar Zuiderwijk performed a drum clinic at “Drums en Co” in Gits (Belgium) on Thursday 29 October 2009. Check for photo's Pearl Website.
(Cesar Zuiderwijk - Pearl promotional photo)
On November 16, 2009 Cesar Zuiderwijk did perform in a private show at Zoetermeer for Vrienden van Kunst en Cultuur Zoetermeer.
December 04, 2009 - The DVD for Cesar Zuiderwijks Slagdroom show (and many extra's) is released today. The dvd is released on the CNR label and besides the full show you see drumsolo's from Golden Earring shows like Veronica's Countdown show at Voorburg, Holland, A Frankfurt drumsolo, a solo with Labyrinth (about 20 minutes of footage all together!) Also 2 short drum workshops can be seen (recorded at Naaldwijk and Schiedam on Slagdroom tour) and the dvd is made by Regenboog Videoproducties (Den Haag) by Rob von Römer! Thanks for the info Rob!

December 07, 2009 - Yesterday I went to Gorinchem to see Cesar Zuiderwijk & Friends at Theater Peeriscoop. This show was sold out and 135 vistors saw a fine show. This show was announced as a one time only event. Promotor Fred Delfgauw explained Cesar wanted to perform at his theatre but Fred replied he couldn't afford it as there are only 130 seats. However Cesar and Friends decided to perform anyway for a smaller fee and just have fun. So that's why five enthusiastic musicians were on stage again after 25 years of the start of the Labyrinth project they all participated in...
On keyboards was seen Jasper van 't Hof and he was also around as the musical director of the music event which was introduced as music on an improvised base by musicians with over 250 years of musical experience. There was a very relaxed atmosphere and great music. I didn't hear to much familiar songs but two of them were Footprint and Big Log (Robert Plant) and another was called Crystal Bells by Charlie Mariano (a former and sadly past away member of Supersister and well known jazz musician) All friends present at the Peeriscoop Theater were a friend of Charly as well so this was kind of a tribute to him. On saxophone was Bob Malach, a musician I particularly liked! Great solo's and fine musical support to all other bandmembers. On bass the one and only Rinus Gerritsen, Golden Earring bass player and band member of Cesar. Rinus brought along a red (Sigma?) bass and a Hartke amplifier but his sound somewhat got drowned in the guitar sound of Eef Albers a jazz musician pur sang I guess but in my opinion (as well as many other visitors!) to much heard with longlasting solo's and occasionally losing himself in it. A visitor appropriate said after show: It was more like Eef and Friends! So if there should come a next time, less guitar and more attention for the other bandmembers please.

Funny thing was that Rinus Gerritsen had some musical notes on a bunch of sheets and put them on his amplifier with a coffee cup on it but after a few sounds out of his amplifier the notes and cup dropped down on the stage floor and the next songs always started after a few seconds of searching for the right music as Rinus his sheets were in complete disorder. Anyway the band and audience were amused by this non-rehearsed non-musical intermezzo. Musical director Jasper desperately tried in the first part of the show (50 minutes) to get Cesar Zuiderwijk to perform a drumsolo but this wasn't noticed or honoured. Later on in the second part which took about one hour Cesar did a fine solo. I do have to check the names above if they are spelled right so gimme a little time for that but anyway it was a great event and the theatre itself is small but very cosy and a fine place to be. As I was seated on the first row and right in the middle the sound might have been better further away from the stage but the guitar was too dominant on stage but in the mix as well and the bass was often barely heard..... Fred, thanks for organising this show and till next time. (Whenever I have the time I will extend this review some more! If any other vistor has additions please e-mail me. Anyone with a setlist?
December 07, 2009 - Cesar Zuiderwijk talks about 2010 Sabbatical in Teleac TVshow.

December 19, 2009 - Today's Golden Earring show in Kerkrade - Rodahal, last show in 2009 (Electric show)
When The Lady Smiles is featured in A Dutch Musical production called "Dromen Zijn Bedrog" which roughly covers 50 years of Dutch popmusic in a feel good musical style.
In 2009 a Radar Love cover was released by:
2009 USA: Adrian & The Sickness - B.F.D. (CD)
In 2009 a When The Lady Smiles cover was released by:
2009 NL: Musical - Dromen Zijn Bedrog
In 2009 a Seasons cover (written by George Kooymans) was released by:
2009 USA: Boris - Seasons (7" on coloured vinyl)
2011 (actual) story part is at the start of this story!
Please be aware of the fact that this page is still under construction and is constantely being updated and extended. So far some milestones in Golden Earrings glorious career have been highlighted but of course a lot more has happened during the past 40 years! So please keep checking back here and view the latest news as well as the latest additions about Golden Earrings history or should I say "Hitstory!"
For this story many sources and clippings from papers and magazines were used frequently. They are so many I can't mention them all. Because of those many sources I can't garantee all facts are true or at the right date. Where possible they have been crosschecked and verified. If you believe facts are not true please email the webmaster! Also some of the info was taken out of the booklet with the 4cd "The Devil Made Us Do It" for which I provided a lot of information and therefor being mentioned in the credit section. (Which I'm very proud of of course! Actually I supplied a Golden Earring Record Research Report print 4 to Rinus Gerritsen on his request, which was used for the booklet info!)
Former Golden Earring members:
Hans van Herwerden - guitar
Freddie van der Hilst - drums
Robert Jan Stips - synthesizers
Jaap Eggermont - drums
Frans Krassenburg - vocals
Peter de Ronde - guitar
Sieb Warner - drums
Eelco Gelling - guitar
Additional musician to Golden Earring several times:
Bertus Borgers - saxophone (During 1975 USA tour, Last Blast 1999 and Ahoy 2006 concerts and electric shows 2007 - 2018)
This is a Fan site and has no direct connection with the band Golden Earring.
It's intention is to act like a library that covers and references the history of the band for fan enjoyment.
To be continued!
LAST UPDATE: June 02 2021
© 2003-2021 Casper Roos\Golden Earring Research, Zoetermeer, Holland. All rights reserved.
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